Warm Homes, Green Jobs: Meeting the Net Zero challenge in the North

Our latest research report identifies how the social housing sector can take the lead in delivering warmer, greener homes across the North – and unlock a new generation of green jobs.

The report calls for:

  • Long-term consistent funding to decarbonise social housing to give contractors and housing providers certainty to invest. To deliver at the right scale, £500m per year is needed in the North up to 2030, and £1 billion per year in the North up to 2035.
  • Further devolution of funding so Mayoral Combined Authorities can take a lead delivering energy efficiency improvements in their area.
  • Growth of a sustainable and inclusive workforce through local partnerships.
  • Sustainable solutions for the hardest to decarbonise homes. This includes funding for regeneration, including building new zero-carbon homes.

Chief Executive of the Northern Housing Consortium, Tracy Harrison, said:

“There are nearly a million households in the North living in fuel poverty. Investing in energy efficiency improvements will significantly bring this number down, as well as playing a big role in helping us reach net zero by 2050.

“The social housing sector owns 1.3 million homes in the North. It is the only housing tenure that has the organisational scale to significantly boost the supply chain and create thousands of new jobs. Investment in social housing is key to getting the infrastructure in place to roll out more energy efficiency upgrades to the private rented sector and homeowners.”

As part of the research 36 interviews were conducted with 50 people working for housing providers, local government and combined authorities, as well as contractors.

The report launched at the Labour Party conference at an event attended by politicians, NHC members, contractors and think-tank representatives. Speakers included Liz Twist MP, Luke Myer MP, Tom Lamb from RE:GEN Academy, the NHC’s Tom Kennedy; Livv Housing Group’s Tony Cahill, Communities that Work’s Lynsey Sweeney  and Chris Brown of Climatise and the Labour Housing Group.

Hear from some of the event attendees in the video below:

If you would like to discuss this report please contact NHC Executive Director of Policy and Public Affairs Patrick Murray: patrick.murray@northern-consortium.org.uk