
of building starts in 2014/15 were by registered providers or local authorities


Number of affordable new homes the Government expect to be built by the end of the decade including 200,000 starter homes and 135,000 shared ownership properties


Estimated housing capacity on brownfield sites in the North of England

Delivering Homes

Identifying resources to deliver housing growth

Housing Associations and Local Authorities completed over 2,500 homes across the North last year. This was a great achievement in the face of a difficult economic climate, and cuts in government investment. Here’s what the Consortium – and our Members – are doing to deliver more homes for the North.

Northern Innovation

Our Members continue to innovate to deliver homes across the North. Some are looking to attract investment in housing from local pension funds. Others have used City Deals to gain additional freedoms and flexibilities around housing growth. The Consortium is working with Members to make the most of these opportunities.

Modular Housing Briefing Series

Part 1: Delivering New Homes – A Future Off-site?

Successful bids to the Homes and Communities Agency Affordable Homes Programme

Though the investment available from the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Affordable Homes Programme has been substantially reduced, northern housing providers were successful in securing a larger proportion of the 2011-15 programme than its predecessor. Over 17,400 homes will be delivered by 2015 with HCA funding, with around £370m of investment anticipated through this route.

Data on Building in the North

New Homes Bonus Response

The Consortium has registered concerns regarding the proposal to switch £400m of New Homes Bonus funds from local authorities to Local Enterprise Partnerships. The plan, first announced at the Budget, will see a share of local New Homes Bonus payments ‘pooled’ at LEP level. While the Consortium supports plans for a Single Local Growth Fund, we are concerned about the impact this proposal will have for our local authority members, and the weakening of the Bonus’ incentive effect. Read our response to the Government’s consultation on the issue here.

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