The Resource Centre is a collection of works related to the Pride in Place research. On this page you will find case studies, government reports, documents and research and reports conducted by various organisations each relating to a theme of Pride in Place.

Case Studies

Access to Basic Services

Building Community Presence – CIH

In response to the Better Social Housing Review panel, the CIH and the NHF collaborated to share examples of where community hubs and other local presences are working well with and for residents.
Let’s talk SARA – Sunderland City Council 

Southwick Altogether Raising Aspirations (SARA) is a new partnership that offers help to the community to access support and gives people in the Southwick ward a say about what the priorities should be for the area.
South Bank Community Land Trust 

South Bank CLT was originally created out of the concerns residents had about the number of empty properties, problematic absent landlords and the general lack of investment in the town.
Well-Placed: The impact of Big Local on the health of communities – New Local 

How can communities prevent illness and create their own good health? Could investment at the grassroots help ease the burden on the NHS? To find out, New Local analysed the impact of Local Trust’s Big Local project. How did this scheme, which gave places £1 million to spend improving their areas, impact health and wellbeing? And what lessons does it have for the wider healthcare system?
Coventry: a Marmot City – Coventry City Council

As the council states, the Marmot principles aim to reduce inequality and improve health outcomes for all. They have been embedded into the core functions of the council and its partners. Coventry City council demonstrates the Marmot principles and how they can be embedded into council working.
Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040

Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 sets out Greater Manchester’s long-term plan for transport. The vision is for Greater Manchester to have “World-class connections that support long-term sustainable economic growth and access to opportunity for all.”
Mini Police and Volunteer Police Cadets

The Mini Police and VPC are schemes aimed at getting young people aged 8-17 into police cadets in order to take part in activities around police and supporting their community through volunteering.
Forever Amnesty – Greater Manchester Police

The Forever Amnesty gives members of the public the chance to dispose of a knife anonymously with no questions asked, by simply depositing it into the amnesty bin at their local police station.
Tackling anti-social behaviour: case studies – LGA

The LGA presents a series of council case studies on anti-social behaviour.
Sheffield Council: neighbourhood officers helping to reduce ASB for council housing tenants

Sheffield City Council introduced Housing+ in 2016 during a restructure of its Housing and Neighbourhoods service. The offer to council housing tenants is a more proactive approach to housing management, with support to help people sustain their tenancy and enjoy their home.
Keep Britain Tidy

Keep Britain Tidy aims to eliminate litter and end waste for now and for future generations. They work with volunteers to help care for the local environment. They run #LitterHeroes (a year-round army of litter pickers), Green Flag Award, and Blue Flag / Seaside Awards, as well as regional projects and the Keep Britain Tidy Network.

Sense of Community and Decision Making

Loneliness Prevention Project – Community Foundation

The Loneliness Prevention Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, is a free 12-week programme which works collaboratively with local partners. It offers a variety of holistic person-centred support, including one-to-one, group, and other activities.
Testing Promising Approaches to Reducing Loneliness – Age UK

Age UK launched a programme following the “Promising Approaches to Loneliness and Isolation in Later Life” report produced by Age UK and the Campaign to End Loneliness in 2015. The local partners focused on improving their understanding, reach and support to improve loneliness support provisions around the country.
Community activities and befriending service – Blackpool Coastal Housing

Blackpool Coastal Homes delivers social activities and befriending to its tenants and the community. Its staff co-ordinate a range of activities and are there to support people to access the right type of activity to suit their preferences.
Pen Pal Scheme for Tenants – MSV Housing

The Pen Pal programme connects tenants across Greater Manchester and beyond allowing them to share their thoughts, memories, stories and help support one another. MSV aims to reduce stresses and anxieties through connecting people.
The Big Lunch – Eden Project 

The Big Lunch is the UK’s biggest annual get-together for neighbours, hosted by the Eden Project. The lunch generates new connections, celebrates community, and helps people to make change where they live.
Let’s Be Friends – MSV Housing

Bee Friends is a service that allows people to chat with like-minded people with shared interests. The service by MSV is available to people who wish to chat to someone to assist in combatting loneliness.
How you can reduce
loneliness in your
neighbourhood – JRF

JRF and JRHT’s Neighbourhood approaches to loneliness action research programme explored and identified the causes of loneliness and what we can do about it.
Onside Youth Zones 

OnSide aims to raise the funds to build “state-of-the-art, multimillion-pound Youth Zones” in the country’s most economically disadvantaged areas. OnSide Youth Zones are purpose-built spaces, staffed by skilled and dedicated youth workers who truly believe in young people – helping them see what they could achieve, and giving them skills, confidence and ambition.
Housing Employment Network North East (HENNE)

Research has highlighted that the number of barriers to gaining employment can be greater for people living in social housing. Through collaboration, partnership, and development of practical solutions, HENNE aims to support its residents and tenants to overcome barriers to employment, develop skills and experience and provide employment opportunities.
New Start – Karbon Homes

Karbon Homes’ New Start jobs provide real work experience in career starter roles. Working with local employers, Karbon created a range of five month, paid placements including ongoing employment wraparound support.
Making sure Nobody is Left Behind – Livv Housing Group

Livv funded a seven-week programme that enables young people to spend four weeks doing sport and three weeks learning practical trade skills. Using the power of sport, this programme aims to “engage those who feel left behind by society and aren’t in education or work.”
Positive Futures – Employment and Training Space – MSV Housing

An employment and training space for MSV Housing tenants in Manchester. Help includes training, skills development, apprenticeships, volunteering, work experience, and support to find employment.
Young Scot National Entitlement Card

The Young Scot National Entitlement Card (Young Scot NEC) is free of charge to 11 to 26 year-olds  living in Scotland. It includes free bus travel for under 22s, discounted train & ferry travel for 16 to 18 year-olds and full-time volunteers, plus 1,000s of discounts at retailers and venues across Scotland.
The National Entitlement Card

The National Entitlement Card (NEC) is Scotland’s National Smartcard, offering access to many public services across the country. People may know the NEC as their bus pass, library card, or Young Scot card, however this one card helps grant access to many other services as well.
British Youth Council – Supporting and Developing an Effective Youth Council 

The British Youth Council (BYC) explores the challenges of engaging young people in local politics and how different councils have approached engaging with young people. Pulling together best practice, BYC has made a “guide” on how councils can effectively support the participation of young people in local democracy and decision-making.
Local Trust – Resident-led decision making in the Big Local Programme

Big Local is a project, funded by the National Lottery, that gives local residents funding for projects. The funding could be spent in any way the residents choose, provided they organised themselves locally to plan and manage that funding, involving the wider community in the decision making process (see link for details).
Social Housing Retrofit Accelerator – Resident Engagement Toolkit

Developing and delivering a successful retrofit project requires a strong resident engagement plan.  This toolkit explains the importance of resident engagement and may help to develop a strategy for effective resident engagement to deliver the best retrofit outcomes.

State of the local environment

Riverside Sunderland

Riverside Sunderland is an ambitious new urban quarter for Sunderland based on a riverside site. The regeneration project sets out to create 1,000 homes for a community of 2,500 people, and 1 million square feet of offices and workspace for 8,000 to 10,000 jobs.
Alleyway Greening In Manchester

Ignition was a project that developed innovative financing solutions for investment in Greater Manchester’s natural environment through the use of Nature Based Solutions. The project aimed to increase the city region’s ability to adapt to the increasingly extreme effects of climate change.
Green Spaces Advisory Board (GSAB)

The Green Spaces Advisory Board aims to develop biodiversity measurement metrics and share examples of best practice relating to green space management, green placemaking, carbon offsetting and biodiversity enhancement to empower the housing sector and the communities it supports on the journey to net zero.
Digging into history: Discovering Anglo-Saxon treasures in Amotherby – Yorkshire Housing

Yorkshire Houisng visited a site that will be their first gas-free housing development in Amotherby with the village’s local primary school. The visit involved seeing archologists digging for Anglo Saxon and Roman artefacts.
Stockton Town Waterfront Urban Park

The Stockton Waterfront urban park development aims to bring exciting events spaces, unique play areas for all ages, heritage influences and opportunities for pop-up concessions to the waterfront of Stockton-on-Tees.
Cleaner, Greener Works – Wigan Council 

Wigan has launched the Cleaner, Greener project to bring about improvements over a 6 month period across 12 districts to improve waste management in these areas. This was in response to residents commnicating with the council the areas they would most want to see improvement.
Cleaner Crewe

The aim of Cleaner Crewe is to tackle streets and alleyways in the town, transforming these areas through more effective waste management. The Cleaner Crewe project is a collaboration between Crewe Town Council, Cheshire East Council ​and Cheshire East Council’s wholly-owned environmental services company, Ansa Environmental Services Ltd.
Greater Manchester Local Heritage List

Local Listing aims to celebrate local distinctiveness and helps to protect the unique historic character of an area. Historic buildings, monuments, structures and even street furniture that make a place special are known as ‘heritage assets’. Through this website you can nominate heritage assets that are important to you and your local community for Local Listing.
Upping It – Moss Side Story

Upping It’ is working together in Moss Side to reduce fly‑tipping and rubbish, increase recycling, and improve the environment.
Federation of Small Businesses – Reseource Library

A collection of resources from the Federation of Small Business (FSB), including how small shops and entrepreneurs can be supported to establish a sustainable presence on the high street.
National Park Authority looking for hidden gems to celebrate local heritage

The National Park Authority has launched a campaign designed to help protect the ‘commonplace or everyday’ heritage assets that are valued by people locally, but that don’t have any existing protection in their own right under planning law.

Central Government

Access to Basic Services

Establishing youth-friendly health and care services The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities created the ‘You’re Welcome’ standards. They are designed to help improve the quality of, and access to, health and wellbeing services for young people.
Civil Society Strategy: building a future that works for everyone This strategy from the Department of Digital, Media, Culture and Sport sets out how government will work with and for civil society in the long-term to create a country that works for everyone.
Long-Term Plan for Towns: guidance for local authorities and Town Boards The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities has a long-term plan for towns. The plan is “a core part of the government’s levelling up programme that has invested more than £13 billion to support projects in places that for too long have been taken for granted.”
Our Long-Term Plan for Towns This prospectus sets out a new plan to put local people at the centre of their town’s success and give them the long-term funding to change its future. 55 towns have been identified to benefit from Long-Term Plans, backed by £1.1 billion overall, to drive ambitious plans to regenerate local towns across the UK over the next decade.
Regulator of Social Housing – Consumer Standards The Regulator of Social Housing set out its consumer standards, which include: Tenant Satisfaction Measures Standard, Home Standard, Neighbourhood And Community Standard, Tenant Involvement And Empowerment Standard and Proposed Consumer Standards.
Levelling Up White Paper The Levelling Up White Paper, set out by the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, outlines the Government’s plan for levelling up communities – including information on the geographical disparities and the policy programme to “level up” the country.
Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan The Home Office and DLUHC sets out how the government plans to tackle anti-social behviour. It sets out a  three-step approach, which includes improving policing services to be better equipped at dealing with the issue in communities.
National framework to improve mental health and wellbeing The Department of Health and Social Care has developed a framework with five leading mental health organisations – Centre for Mental Health, Mind, NHS Confederation Mental Health Network, Rethink Mental Illness and Turning Point. It highlights useful guidance and sources of information to help local organisations use their existing powers and resources to improve mental health and wellbeing.
Waste Management Plan for England 2021 The Waste Management Plan sets out the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs plan for England. It is an analysis of the current waste management situation in England. Its aim is to bring current waste management policies together under one national plan.

Sense of Community and Decision Making

Environmental Improvement Plan 2023 The Environmental Improvement Plan 2023 for England is the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) plan for the environment. It sets out Defra’s plan on how they will work with landowners, communities and businesses to deliver each of their goals for improving the environment.
Government launches plan to tackle loneliness during coronavirus lockdown The Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, Office for Civil Society, Baroness Barran MBE, and The Rt Hon Oliver Dowden CBE MP set out the Government’s effort to tackle loneliness and social isolation during coronavirus.
Government’s work on tackling loneliness The Government’s work on tackling loneliness is brought together by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport. The Government plans to work towards three objectives – reducing stigma, considering loneliness in policy making, and improving the evidence base.
A connected society: a strategy for tackling loneliness This strategy sets out the approach to tackling loneliness in England. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport has developed the strategy for tackling loneliness by improving social connections, bringing a shift in the way that loneliness is perceived and acted upon.
Youth Review: Summary findings and government response This is the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport’s outcomes to their review of youth services. It includes the government’s response to the review and how they plan to act on some of the recommendations.
Levelling up our communities:
proposals for a new social covenant
This report by Danny Kruger MP follows a request by the Prime Minister on how civil society can support people in various parts of life, including health and social care and unemployment. The proposals include ways for creating systems that are more local and tailored based on the needs of the community.
Tenant involvement is an investment not a cost. The TLC programme aimed to identify the business case for tenant involvement, with a view to growing its reach. Asking tenants and landlords a range of questions about financial, service improvement, satisfaction and other benefits, the programme has engaged in some way with about half of the social housing sector – landlords who own about 50% of housing association homes and about 45% of council owned homes in the country.

State of the local environment

A Decent Home: Definition and
guidance for implementation
This guidance by the Department of Communities and Local Government explains a number of decent homes policy amendments and seeks to clarify issues that have arisen in the implementation of the programme.
Millions of people to benefit from £200 million to improve walking and cycling routes The Department for Transport, Active Travel England, and The Rt Hon Mark Harper MP, introduced a scheme to promote healthy travel – with 265 schemes across 60 authorities.
Levelling Up Parks Fund: Prospectus The fund, set up by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities, is designed to set up “new or significantly refurbished green spaces in urban areas that need it most.”
Green Infastructure Framework  Natural England set up the Green Infastructure Framework to support the Government’s 25-year plan for the environment. The aim is to support the greening of towns and cities and to ensure blue and green spaces are key parts of infastructure networks to bring health and climate benefits.
Response to consistency in household and business recycling in England The Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs discusses its plans to improve recycling rates in the country. This includes commitments for regular recycling collection and requirements for local authorities designed to improve recycling.
UK Community Renewal Fund: prospectus The community renewal fund was introduced by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government, to prepare the UK for the introduction of the Shared Prospertity Fund.
Investment Zones in Scotland: Policy model & place selection methodology The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and The Scottish Government committed to a partnership approach to develop Investment Zones in Scotland, tailored to Scotland’s needs and opportunities.

Research & Reports

Access to Basic Services

How much public spending does each area receive? – IFS

In this report, the IFS estimate the total funding available for five services in each local authority area in England in 2022–23. The findings indicate that typically, areas that receive more per capita funding for one service also receive above-average funding for other services. More-deprived and more densely populated places receive more funding per capita on average across all the services that are examined.
Fair Foundations – Karbon Homes 

Karbon created this document to be a blueprint to help the sector work differently in “left behind” places. It summarises the evidence that supports their approach and describes the steps taken.
The Case for Place – Karbon Homes

In this report, Karbon argues for concerted action to address inequalities, drawing on Karbon Homes’ experience as a social landlord.
Parallel lives: Regionally rebalancing wealth, power and opportunity – IPPR North

This IPPR report aims to “represent the views of the citizens they spoke to on what would make the most difference in their area of England”, and they “propose policy ideas to reenergise and refocus the agenda in the runup to the next general election.”
Better Social Housing Review 

The Better Social Housing Review , run by an independent panel, spent six months investigating the quality of social housing and has produced a detailed report and recommendations on some of the issues.
Foundations: Good jobs, settled homes, access to justice – JRF

JRF has developed policy recommendations which they believe would make a significant difference to deep poverty in the UK. These span social security, migration and asylum, local relationships and safety nets, and tackling homelessness and rough sleeping.
Crime reduction toolkit – College of Policing

The crime reduction toolkit summarises a range of research and evidence on what works to reduce crime.
Policing and young adults: developing a tailored approach

Following an earlier  report by the Police Foundation, this report describes the current approach in policing and argues the case for taking a tailored approach to the 18 to 25 age group.
Knife crime: A problem solving guide – College of Policing 

The College of Policing developed a guide to solving the problem of knive crime in local areas. The four guide focuses on four areas, Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment.
Avoiding Rubbish Design – NHBC

The NHBC looks at waste storage for existing homes. The report aims to highlight the key issues that are caused by poor waste storage and highlight solutions the housing sector can implement.
A critical review of household recycling barriers in the United Kingdom – NLM

This NLM review examines the recycling rate and tonnage of waste produced in the United Kingdom, based on available secondary waste flow data. It also explores different barriers related to household recycling.

Sense of Community and Decision Making

Loneliness research and resources – Age UK

Age UKs report looks at what is driving loneliness for the 1.4 million people affected by it and makes recommendations for the Government on how best to tackle this challenge.
Loneliness and Mental Health report – UK – Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation explores what it’s like to be lonely: its causes, consequences and the groups of people who are more likely to experience severe and enduring loneliness. This includes looking at the link between loneliness and mental health and the impacts it has.
No country for young people: The problems of accelerating rural-urban age segregation – IF

In this report, IF questions why younger generations are under increasing pressure to maintain the intergenerational compact while losing out disproportionately to older, wealthier cohorts.
Building Opportunity – Learning and Work Institute

The Institute for Employment Studies and Learning and Work Institute, explore the employment and labour market challenges in social housing using data drawn from the Office for National Statistics’ Labour Force Survey (unless otherwise stated).
Child of the North Report 2023

The Child of the North Group – a partnership between Health Equity North and N8 Research Partnership – looks at inequalities in funding across schools in the north and the impacts it can have on childrens’ outcomes. The report also analyses the health inequalities of children born into the poorest fifth of families and what this means long term for services.
Localising decision-making – LGA

This guide has been produced by the Local Government Association (LGA) and NHS Clinical Commissioners (NHSCC) to provide key prompts and actions for local leaders to promote strong localised decision making across health and local government.
Powerful communities:
Creating new decision-making spaces

The purpose of this paper is to identify how the Big Local programme creates decision-making spaces in the areas that it funds, the extent to which these spaces give communities more ability to influence and involve agencies and organisations, and how the funding model compares to some other government initiatives or programmes.

State of the local environment

Unlocking the power of green spaces in Northern towns and cities – Thinks Insight and National Trust

Funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, The National Trust commissioned Thinks Insight & Strategy to research the value of urban greens paces in the North, and how they can breathe new life into the North’s towns and cities, making them better places to live in the future.
Green Space Index – Fields in Trust

The Green Space Index is an analysis of Great Britain’s publicly accessible park and green space provision. The index also includes a local breakdown of green spaces to allow organisations and individuals to explore how green their local area is.
Unlocking local action on clean air – IPPR

IPPR collates insights from councils that are leading the way with action to improve air quality.
Street cleanliness in deprived and better-off neighbourhoods: a clean sweep – JRF

JRF explores why affluent neighbourhoods tend to have higher levels of street cleanliness than deprived neighbourhoods and what local authorities can do to narrow this gap.
A practical approach for councils on dealing with empty
homes – LGA

The Local Government Association looks at how bringing empty homes back into use can play a key part of local strategies to meet housing need.
Getting the measure of transport poverty: Understanding and responding to the UK’s hidden crisis – SMF

This report by SMF seeks to understand the financial burden of transport by developing a measure to demonstrate the causes, locations and depths of transport poverty.
Net zero and devolution: The role of England’s mayors in the climate transition – Institute for Government

This paper sets out how mayors can play a large part in tackling the climate emergency, including what government can do to support combined authorities in the climate transition.
Combining nature recovery and community health: how to make the most of biodiversity net gain

This report by the Quality of Life Foundation highlights how developers, local authorities and consultants are supporting the recovery of nature in housing developments by managing the process of achieving biodiversity net gain.

Pride in Place – Places That Bring People Together

Pride in Place – Public Services, Community, and Decision Making