Welcome to the Northern Housing Databank – your local data on demand
The Databank is the accompanying interactive geographic look-up tool to the Northern Housing Monitor, a ‘state of the region’ report for housing in the North providing comprehensive data and analysis.
Wherever the data allows, the Databank provides you with national, Northern, regional and local comparisons – so you can get accurate data for your district or city region, and see how it compares to the rest of your region, the North and England as a whole. This will work to build responsiveness to housing needs at a local level, and to support developing targeted strategies that respond to the differing needs of local areas.
Members can search on individual local authorities and instantly obtain a standard report.
Supported by Believe Housing, Bernecia and Yorkshire Housing and produced by experts at ARC4, this will provide a further level of local analysis for NHC members logging onto our member-only ‘MyNHC’ portal.
We would be interested in your feedback on how useful you found the Databank and suggestions for data updates.

Please note: you will be redirected to our member portal ‘MyNHC’. If you are not registered you will be prompted to do so to access the Databank resources section.