Rebalancing: Better Homes Webinar – Round Up

Rebalancing: Better Homes – Recording and Slides Available

Decent housing is the cornerstone of a decent life, supporting health and wellbeing, a source of personal pride, and a base from which to engage in society whether at school, in work, or the community. Collectively, good homes contribute to the buzz of a thriving neighbourhood and contributes greatly to efforts to create green, environmentally friendly areas.

Rebalancing: Better Homes saw around 50 attendees come together and discuss the work being done in the sector to ensure better housing can be achieved.

The session was chaired by Nic Harne, the Corporate Director for Community Development at North Yorkshire Council. The session was introduced with some reflections by Nic Harne, giving his perspective from North Yorkshire Council on recent developments in decent homes and what it means to them. Next, the session moved into a panel discussion from Brian Robson from the Northern Housing Consortium, Maggie Cornall from Blackpool Coastal Housing and Paul Proud from Livin. The panel reflected on the Decent Homes Standard and on the central importance of housing quality and what could be included in a future standard. Darron Hatton and Bryony Haynes from the Welsh Government and Community Housing Cymru respectively gave their perspectives on housing quality and good practice from Wales. The attendees then heard from Vikki Piper from Blackpool Council who discussed new measures focussing on improving standards in the PRS. The last speaker was Vicky Payne from the Quality of Life Foundation discussing supporting people to live healthy lives in affordable homes and well-designed neighbourhoods, including her work at the Quality of Life Foundation and previous role devising the Government’s National Model Design Code.

A recording of the session and slides can be found below.

Rebalancing: Better Homes

Presentation slides