Making Every Contact Count (MECC)

Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to behaviour change that utilises the day to day interactions that people, organisations and communities have with others to encourage positive choices to improve our overall health. Many long-term diseases are closely linked to known behavioural risk factors that are attributable to tobacco, alcohol, being overweight or physical inactive that can ultimately lead to poor mental health.

MECC is a whole person approach considering an individual’s circumstances such as their finances, employment status, social support and housing. The smallest of changes can make the biggest difference when it comes to positive physical and mental wellbeing. MECC can take a matter of minutes, help people respond to opportunities to discuss health and relay brief messages.

It follows a simple process revolving around the 3A model including:

  • Ask – taking notice of others, listening and engaging during opportunistic chats
  • Assist – providing useful and motivational health information
  • Act – signposting to local support services

Across the country there are opportunities for organisations to get involved with MECC and more specifically in the North the following contacts can support you to implement MECC. If you are interested in MECC please visit each regional signposting website or contact the MECC lead for that region to support your next steps:

North East and North Cumbria

There will be some slight differences across the country, but for those within the North East and North Cumbria there is a free Train the Trainer model that exists that organisations can access to upskill their staff to deliver the Core MECC training in house providing their frontline staff with the knowledge, confidence and skills to support tenants, colleagues and other services with wider health issues.

“I was apprehensive before the training, but I feel I know more now as it links into other areas with my work. The link to people’s everyday life is brilliant!”

“The message is so consistent, and that even though the interventions are brief, they are meaningful”

“It was very thought provoking as it made me think about how often I actually have MECC conversations with tenants, colleagues, friends, family and even my neighbours”

MECC Gateway website:


Lancashire and South Cumbria

MECC Link website:


Yorkshire and Humber

MECC Link website:


Cheshire and Merseyside

MECC Link website:
