• Comprehensive Spending Review – Spring 2025

Building on extensive engagement with members and Government, we have submitted a detailed response to His Majesty’s Treasury’s call for feedback on government spending priorities ahead of the Comprehensive Spending Review.  

Our response sets out the role of housing providers in the North in unlocking economic growth and supporting the Government to deliver real change. It highlights the unique opportunities and challenges for members and communities in the North and has been backed by Housing Partnerships across the North. 

It covers the importance of: 

  • Housing-led regeneration as a priority for the North, alongside investment in new and existing homes.  
  • Introducing longer term funding with more local control and flexibility which builds on the North leading the way with devolution, and genuinely enables delivery across different housing markets 
  • Giving local and combined authorities the right resources to make a difference 
  • Supporting social housing’s role in making Britain a clean energy superpower.  

Chief Executive of the Northern Housing Consortium Tracy Harrison said:  

“The social housing sector in the North is ready to act. We sit at the heart of devolution and have a strong track record of collaboration. We can go further and faster in our bid to tackle the housing crisis, and deliver economic growth, with the right support from the Government. 

“Housing quality is a big issue in the North, affecting the health and wellbeing of thousands of Northerners, particularly in the private rented sector. Regeneration must be at the front and centre of government policy, alongside building new homes.  

“Housing Partnerships across the North have fed into and supported our spending review submission. If Government wants to make quick progress on its housing priorities, working with the NHC and our members will unleash established partnerships that are ready and willing to deliver on the government’s housing and growth agendas.” 

The outcome of the Spending Review will be announced this summer and will set budgets departmental budgets for future years. In the run up to this we will continue to engage with politicians and civil servants highlighting how the social housing sector in the North can work in partnership with the Government to achieve shared objectives.  

If you would like to discuss this submission further or be part of follow up work contact:  

Patrick Murray, NHC Executive Director Policy & Public Affairs 

Email: patrick.murray@northern-consortium.org.uk   

The Northern Housing Consortium spending review submission has been backed by the Housing Partnerships across the North. A big thank you to: 

  • Greater Manchester Housing Providers 
  • Liverpool City Region Housing Associations 
  • North East Housing Partnership 
  • South Yorkshire Housing Partnership 
  • Tees Valley Housing Partnership 
  • West Yorkshire Housing Partnership 
  • York & North Yorkshire Housing Partnership.