Govt Consultation — Overcoming the Barriers to Longer Tenancies in the PRS

A consultation into making three-year tenancies the mandatory minimum term in the PRS was launched by the government in July.

It invites views and comments on a proposed model for a three-year tenancy with a six month break clause, and the options for implementing this. The model is designed to give tenants certainty over rents, and retains the flexibility that many desire.

Delivering a speech to launch the consultation, James Brokenshire, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government said: “We’re bringing real change to making renting more secure. I know this is particularly important to a growing number of families, vulnerable tenants and older people who rent and live with the uncertainty of suddenly being forced to move or fear eviction if they complain about problems with their home.”

The NHC will be responding to this consultation on issues such as:

• the benefits and disadvantages of the proposed model.
• grounds for a landlord recovering a tenancy.
• restrictions on rent increases.
• what other, alternative options should the government consider.

The NHC is keen to hear from member organisations with their views on the consultation questions. Please get in touch if you have any views to share. Contact Karen Brown.

Find out more about the consultation which runs until the 26 August here.

Consultation on banning combustible cladding

On 18 June, the Housing Secretary announced a consultation on banning the use of combustible materials on the external walls of high-rise residential buildings.

The consultation is inviting views to revise the building regulations to ban the use of combustible materials in the inner leaf, insulation and cladding that are used in external wall systems on these buildings. The government is legally required to consult on substantive changes to the buildings regulations before any change in the law.

Dame Judith Hackitt, in the review of fire safety and building regulations, recommended that a simpler but more robust approach to the construction and on-going management of high-rise residential buildings was needed. The commitment to consult on banning combustible material was originally made on 17 May 2018 on the day the final report of Dame Judith Hackitt was published.

See details of the open consultation on proposals to ban combustible materials on the external walls of high-rise residential buildings.

The NHC is keen to hear from member organisations with their views on the consultation questions. Please get in touch by 31 July 2018 if you have any views. Contact Karen Brown.

The Raynsford Review of Planning

The Raynsford Review of Planning has been set up to identify how the government can reform the English planning system to make it fairer, better resourced and capable of producing quality outcomes as well as new homes.

It is being led by a task force chaired by former planning minister Nick Raynsford.

Evidence is being collected over an 18-month period and a final report published in late autumn 2018.

The Raynsford Review seeks to provide practical and comprehensive policy guidance to overcome these issues in a way that is mutually beneficial to all stakeholders.

Aims for the project included’:

  • Engaging constructively with politicians and council officers, communities, housing providers, developers, consultants and academics — all those interested in the built environment — about how to deliver better placemaking through a fairer and more effective planning system.
  • Setting out a new vision for planning in England and rebuild trust in the planning process by communicating with the public as well as professionals.

An Interim Report has been published – available here – with nine propositions. The review team is seeking feedback on the Interim Report’s nine propositions by Monday 16th July. Please email with your responses.

National Planning Policy Framework

The Government published the revision to the National Planning Policy Framework

(NPPF) in March and this was subject to consultation which ended recently.

Much of the content of the revised document was based on the outcome of previous consultations which the NHC has already commented on and we have responded to the detailed questions on the new revisions.

We would particularly like to emphasise the importance of the planning proposals to some of our current priorities in the Northern regions. The NHC is supportive of an approach to planning that helps to facilitate new homes and great places but it is important to recognised that many local areas in the North are focusing on the quality of the existing housing stock, with the use of developer contributions being directed to improving and revitalising neighbourhoods where poor housing is holding back economic inclusion.

The consultation contains many positive revisions intended to alleviate the national shortage of homes.  The proposals to simplify and improve the plan making process so that it is quicker and more transparent, providing the land we need for new homes whilst ensuring accountability are all welcome.   Ultimately, the effectiveness of the measures proposed varies and a step-change may depend upon an increase in investment and capacity in local planning authorities.

We look forward to continued dialogue with Government about ways to ensure the quantity and quality of homes and places that we all acknowledge are needed.

The NHC response to the consultation can be found here.

Northern Homelessness Network – NHC MEMBERS ONLY

The Homelessness Reduction Act (HRACT) was implemented on 3rd April 2018, with the aim of reducing homelessness across the country.   It’s a comprehensive change to the law which will shift the emphasis firmly towards preventing homelessness. It is the first major piece of homelessness legislation for 15 years, which has been welcomed and perceived as a long overdue change needed to reform the current system.

The Act aims to better tackle the growing problem of homelessness, by focusing on prevention in local areas and to deliver better outcomes for vulnerable people who are often seen to be poorly served by current legislation.

The Northern Housing Consortium (NHC) would like to invite NHC members to the first Northern Homelessness Network which will be held on Monday 9th July, at Incommunities offices, The Quays, Victoria St, Shipley BD17 7BN from 10.30-12.30pm.

The aim of this network is to provide NHC members with the opportunity to come together to share learning and experience around the implementation of the HRACT.  The first meeting will focus on HRACT 3 months on, and to hear from members around their experiences to date, what has/hasn’t worked well, in addition we would like the group to consider future themes for this network. These could include; duty to refer, what works in prevention, accessing supply, cross-boundary/provider co-operation; link with Allocations and many more.

Future meetings will take place quarterly in a venue across the Yorkshire & Humber region, this is to ensure it is a central as possible for all NHC members travelling from the North East and North West.

if you wish to attend please confirm your attendance to, spaces are limited due to room capacity, so places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Review of powers to deal with unauthorised caravan sites

A review of the law and powers to deal with unauthorised caravan sites has been announced by the Housing Minister.

The consultation on the law and powers to deal with unauthorised caravan sites is intended to resolve the distress that can arise for both the settled and nomadic communities – an issue increasingly raised in Parliament over recent months.

Since 2010, the number of traveller caravans on authorised sites has increased. However latest figures show approximately 16% of all caravans – around 3,700 – are on unauthorised sites.

In the launch of the consultation, Housing Minister Dominic Raab said: “The vast majority of the travelling community are decent and law-abiding people. But, we are particularly concerned about illegal traveller encampments, and some of the anti-social behaviour they can give rise to. We must promote a tolerant society and make sure there are legal sites available for travellers, but equally the rule of law must be applied to everyone.”

The purpose of the consultation is to obtain feedback on what else can be done to ensure that local authorities, the police and landowners can deal with unauthorised sites and developments efficiently, as well as any barriers there may be to the provision of authorised sites.

The consultation asks whether existing local authority powers are effective and whether local authorities could improve their use of those powers, as well as what other powers may help them in dealing with unauthorised sites.

The NHC is keen to hear from member organisations with their views on the review.  Please get in touch if you have any views to share. Contact Karen Brown

Find out more about the consultation here



Consultation Response – Consumer Redress

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government recently published a consultation “Strengthening consumer redress in the housing market” which asked what can be done to improve consumer redress across housing, including whether bringing together existing redress functions into a single housing ombudsman service could be an effective way of simplifying access to redress.

This NHC has responded to the consultation giving views on the following:

  • The main problems with the current redress arrangements
  • What would best improve redress in the housing sector
  • What more could be done to improve in-house complaints systems
  • Would a single ombudsman service simplify redress across housing

The document also addresses what steps can be taken to improve redress across the market in the short to medium term and the role of redress schemes in driving service improvements.

Read the full response here.

On-the-day briefing Spring Statement

The Spring Statement 2018 was announced by the Chancellor today. The Northern Housing Consortium has, as we do for all major policy announcements, written an on-the-day briefing providing insight into what the key policy announcements contained within the Chancellor’s speech mean for the housing sector in the North.

You can view our on-the-day briefing here.

New Year Honour for Northern Housing Consortium’s Chief Executive

Jo Boaden, Chief Executive of the Northern Housing Consortium (NHC) and Chair of Your Homes Newcastle, has been awarded a CBE in Her Majesty the Queen’s New Years’ Honours 2018. The award was made in recognition of services to housing providers in the North during a long career in housing.

“I was very surprised but I am incredibly proud and honoured to receive this award” said Jo. “I think it underlines the significance of housing and the increasingly influential role of the Northern Housing Consortium.”

Jo became Chief Executive of the NHC in 2010, following a number of senior roles across the North, and recently took up the position of Chair of Your Homes Newcastle.

Tom Miskell, Chair of the NHC, commented, “We are delighted that Jo has been awarded a CBE, reflecting her passion for, and commitment to, improving the lives of people in the North through housing. This award is a great achievement and we are proud of her and the recognition that this gives to housing issues.”