Supply over demand: The Government’s Energy Security Strategy misses the mark on energy efficiency

Ahead of the Government’s Energy Security Strategy published this month, there were hopes within the housing sector and beyond that BEIS and Treasury would use this opportunity to strengthen their approach to reduce the amount of energy we use by improving the energy efficiency of homes. Unfortunately, these expectations were not met and no new support has been announced.

The NHC’s Chief Executive Tracy Harrison commented:

“The Government have missed the opportunity to use the Energy Security Strategy to double down on efforts to make homes more energy efficient and reduce household bills. The Strategy’s focus on long-term energy supply has overlooked the required additional support to reduce energy demand now by improving the energy performance of homes. We hope to see further plans to accelerate home upgrades and transition to affordable, clean heat as part of the package to address rising energy bills and reduce the UK’s reliance on gas.”

The Government has had a tricky task for some time to respond to continuing rising prices in global gas markets which have been pushing household bills through the roof. This of course has been made even more complex by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the pressure to rebalance global energy markets away from reliance on gas from Russia. While the UK only relies on Russian gas for a small percentage of its energy (4% of total gas supply and 8% of oil demand), prices are still set in these markets so UK households are exposed to the volatility of overall gas prices.

Boris Johnson and his government have been reportedly conflicted on the most appropriate way to address these issues, with the Energy Security Strategy subsequently delayed many times in recent months. There have been varied demands from within the Conservative Party including calls to exploit fossil fuels further such as through fracking and increased drilling in the North Sea, and even to abandon net zero targets altogether. But there were also voices from within the governing party advocating for increased energy efficiency measures to be a key part of the energy strategy. Reports also emerged prior to the Strategy’s publication of Chancellor Rishi Sunak and his Treasury team outlining their reluctance to provide further support to upgrade the energy efficiency of homes.

The outcome of this debate was revealed this month when the Energy Security Strategy was finally published.

What was announced?

The Strategy focussed mainly on energy supply to help the UK reach its target of net zero by 2050 and includes ambitious new targets on offshore wind and nuclear energy. It was reported that plans to expand new onshore wind turbines were dropped from the Strategy due to existing conflict about wind farms within Johnson’s Cabinet. Reaction to this from the energy sector has been widely criticised as onshore wind is an effective short-term supply option and generally cheaper and more quickly deployed than other options, especially compared to nuclear power which is costly and slow to implement.

The overall ambition to align the energy system with net zero in the long-term is welcome. The North is already leading the way on renewable energy, with half of England’s renewable energy being generated in the region.

On low carbon heating, the Strategy announced a Heat Pump Investment Accelerator Competition in 2022 worth up to £30m. This is in addition to the Government’s Boiler Upgrade Scheme, opened this month, which will provide grants of up to £5,000 to help with the upfront cost of installing low carbon technologies, such as heat pumps. Further commitment to heat pump technology is welcome but the Accelerator is a modest sum in relation to the Government’s target for 600,000 heat pump installations per year by 2028.

The Strategy also references expanding investment to support the creation of green finance products to “introduce a scheme under which lenders will work to improve the energy performance of the properties against which they lend”.

The Heat and Buildings Strategy committed Government to incentivising electrification through the rebalancing of levies on household bills that currently favour the use of gas. The Energy Security Strategy commits to publishing proposals on how to make this happen by the end of 2022. This is a hugely important step in the decarbonisation process to ensure that technologies such as heat pumps, which are powered by electricity, are cheaper to run in the long-term.

The Fairness and Affordability Review promised in the Heat and Buildings Strategy aims to address this affordability point. We urge Government to bring this review forward as soon as possible to ensure the transition to clean heat does not raise costs for low-income households.

What was missing?

In the introductory section, the Strategy outlines that the “first step [to reducing household bills] is to improve energy efficiency, reducing the amount of energy that households and businesses need”. The document later states that the “majority of our homes are energy inefficient” and “improving the efficiency of our homes could reduce our heating bills by around 20% and reduce our dependency on foreign gas.” The NHC strongly agrees with this assessment that we need to reduce the amount of energy we use in the first place, but the Strategy fails to back up these premises with further support to deliver on them.

The Strategy goes on to outline previous announcements by Government on energy efficiency, including the support announced in the Heat and Buildings Strategy, the work carried out so far through the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund, the expansion of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) to £1bn per year, and other existing measures.

We know that levels of fuel poverty have been rising and are expected to continue to rise this year with a further price cap increase to come in October. Communities in the North are particularly vulnerable to these continually rising costs as the North started with higher-than-average levels of fuel poverty. The Energy Security Strategy was the next opportunity after the Chancellor’s Spring Statement for Government to minimise the impact of rising bills and prevent households having to make difficult financial choices between heating their homes and other essentials.

The Northern Housing Monitor showed that 270,000 homes per year in the North will need to be retrofitted until 2035 just to reach the Government’s own EPC C target (the energy efficiency benchmark). There is still a lot of work to do across tenures to achieve this.

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) is Government’s independent advisor on tackling climate change. The CCC’s response to the Energy Security Strategy is also one of disappointment in relation to the lack of ambition to reduce energy demand. The CCC have praised the ambition to accelerate plans to secure clean, green, homegrown energy, especially on offshore wind. But they commented the Government will need to do more in the coming months on energy efficiency to cut energy bills for households.

In a response to an urgent question from Baroness Hayman on the Strategy not going far enough on insulation schemes, BEIS Minister Lord Callanan told the House of Lords: “It would have been good to have gone further, but the Treasury would not support it.” It is disappointing that the efforts of BEIS on this agenda have been largely disregarded by Treasury at this stage.

The North is already leading the way on renewable energy, the region now has the potential to lead the way on energy efficiency improvements and heat pump installations. An inclusive approach to housing decarbonisation would reduce household bills, cut carbon emissions, create new green jobs in the region, and lead to better health outcomes.

We will continue to work on behalf of our members to accelerate the harnessing of these benefits in the North, especially ahead of this winter, to support the creation of sustainable homes and communities across the region.

Read the full Energy Security Strategy here.

Please do not hesitate to follow up on this with the NHC by contacting Anna Seddon (Policy and Public Affairs Manager) at

NHC joins the call to ask Government to bring forward new laws to regulate social housing

Earlier this month we supported the call, led by Shelter, to urge Government to bring the Social Housing Regulation Bill to parliament as soon as possible. The open letter urged Secretary of State Michael Gove to prioritise making law the proposals outlined in the Social Housing White Paper, published in November 2020.

The white paper set out a new charter for social housing tenants with plans to reform the regulation of social housing with a focus on consumer standards. This followed from the publication of the Social Housing Green Paper in 2018 after the Grenfell Tower fire. While NHC members have undertaken extensive work to engage more effectively with tenants throughout that period, legislation to enact the new consumer regulation regime is long overdue.

There have been some developments since the publication of the white paper.  For example, the review of the Decent Homes Standard announced in the white paper is being turbocharged by the Levelling Up White Paper’s commitment to halve the number of non-decent homes in the rented sectors by 2030. The Standard will be extended to the private rented sector for the first time. The Regulator has also undergone a consultation to establish new Tenant Satisfaction Measures, as outlined in the Social Housing White Paper, as part of the new proposed consumer regulatory regime.

This month, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) published a series of sample draft clauses to be brought forward in the Social Housing Regulation Bill “when parliamentary time allows”. DLUHC make clear with this draft publication that they are continuing to encourage landlords to consider what action they can take now to prepare for these regulatory changes.

Along with the draft clauses, DLUHC also published plans to create a Social Housing Quality Resident Panel (accepting applications from tenants to join until 29th April); plans to ‘name and shame’ poor practice by social landlords on social media; and a factsheet explaining the role of the Regulator and Housing Ombudsman.

The NHC has joined with Grenfell United, Kwajo Tweneboa, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Placeshapers, TPAS, CIH, NHF and others to ask Government to make this legislation a priority in the next parliamentary session (the Queen’s Speech to set the Government’s agenda is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 10th May 2022).

Read coverage of the joint letter by Housing Correspondent, Vicky Spratt, in i news here and the full text can be seen below:

“Nearly five years after the Grenfell Tower fire, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has now published their draft Bill to regulate social housing.

This law is beyond overdue. Recent exposure of the living conditions and frustrations of some residents has revealed the continued devastating impact of poor housing conditions on our communities.

While we will continue to work with the Government to ensure this Bill does all it can do– we now need to prioritise getting these changes onto the statute book.

Residents deserve respect, and for their voices to be heard. Well-managed and well-funded social housing is vital if the government is to restore a sense of local pride and belonging to every neighbourhood.

This legislation would allow the social housing regulator to get to work building a system that delivers real accountability and gives tenants a voice. There is no reason for delay. The promises made to the bereaved, residents and survivors of the Grenfell fire should become the law this spring.

English Housing Survey figures reveal four per cent of social rented properties have some type of damp problem, compared to two per cent of owner-occupied homes.

A Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities spokesperson said: ““No one should have to live in a substandard home. Our priority is to create a fairer social rented sector for everyone.

We will introduce new legislation to improve the quality and regulation of social housing, give residents extra information to help hold their landlord to account and ensure that when residents make a complaint, landlords take quick and effective action to put things right.”

The letter was signed by:

Natasha Elcock (Chair) Grenfell United

Rob Gershon, Social Housing Campaigner

Darren Baxter (Housing and Policy and Partnerships Manager) Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Chloe Fletcher (Policy Director) National Federation of ALMOs

Tracy Harrison (CEO) Northern Housing Consortium

Darren Hartley (CEO)TAROE Trust

Kate Henderson (CEO) National Housing Federation

Alison Inman, SHOUT

Alistair McIntosh (CEO) Housing Quality Network

Geeta Nanda OBE (CEO) Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing and Chair, G15

Polly Neate (CEO) Shelter

Jenny Osbourne (CEO) TPAS

Nick Reynolds (Chair) National Federation of Tenant Management Organisations

Gavin Smart (CEO) Chartered Institute of Housing

Kwajo Tweneboa, Social Housing Campaigner

Matthew Walker (CEO) Leeds Federated Housing Association and Chair, PlaceShapers

Social Housing Tenants’ Climate Jury Webinar Series – Watch Now!

As part of its commitment to promote the work of the Social Housing Tenants’ Climate Jury, and begin a dialogue as to how the social housing sector can implement the Jury’s recommendations, the Northern Housing Consortium recently arranged the Social Housing Tenants’ Climate Jury Webinar Series. Recordings of the series are available for all NHC members to watch now via the below link.

Across the different sessions expert speakers, including commentators who originally gave ‘evidence’ to the Jury, discussed examples of what the Jury felt represented good practice in decarbonising homes as well as the wider implications of retrofit and climate change highlighted as core concerns.

The webinars looked at:

  • The resident centred retrofit journey – highlighting good practice from all tenures, the small details needed to ensure all possible disruption is mitigated against and tenants assured, and the new roles housing providers are investing in.
  • Expanding climate and decarbonisation education in social housing – including a focus on the rise of carbon literacy training in the sector, the innovative approaches to engaging and informing our communities, and the role of industry in ensuring the user journey in renewable heating technology is as smooth as possible.
  • Tackling climate change and building communities – considering ways in which housing retrofit can be made one part of making neighbourhoods more environmentally friendly but also happier, healthier places. Speakers discussed improving collaboration between all community stakeholders, projects complementing retrofit work with wider neighbourhood transformation, and how housing providers can lead the way in opening up and maximising community green spaces.
  • Creating good green jobs at the local level and ensuring opportunity for all – building on the Jury’s desire to see housing providers working with business, education, and Government to drive job creation in green industries and the roles that will decarbonise the built environment. Speakers discussed the central role housing providers can play as anchor institutions, large employers in their areas, and organisations with a vested interest in investing in people as well as place.

The Social Housing Tenants’ Climate Jury Webinar Series can be viewed HERE.

The Housing Ombudsman launches call for evidence on noise complaints

Social housing landlords and residents are being asked to provide evidence to a new investigation, which will explore how social landlords manage reports of noise nuisance and what drives complaints about how those are handled.

The Ombudsman has received a “significant” number of complaints relating to noise over the past three years, with over 40% of complaints resulting in maladministration.

The investigation aims to understand how approaches to noise nuisance work in practice and how landlords work with other agencies.

It will also ask what is successful in mitigating inherent, or unavoidable, modern noise and what is successful intervention.

In addition to the survey responses, the Ombudsman will also draw from its casebook and from members of its resident panel.

Richard Blakeway, Housing Ombudsman, said: “Noise complaints can have a particularly significant impact on residents causing deep frustration and stress, and it’s an area that also presents difficult challenges for landlords.

We are keen to examine all aspects of noise related complaints and particularly how complaints are managed under anti-social behaviour policies. The statutory thresholds can be high and result in a lengthy process for residents while they may continue to experience the disturbance.”

He also said the investigation will also examine the relationship between anti-social behaviour and noise with best practice and learning being shared across the social housing sector.

The online survey will close on Friday 13 May and can be accessed via the Housing Ombudsman website.

The Housing Ombudsman was granted powers to investigate systemic issues in 2020. It has since produced Spotlight reports on damp and mouldheating and hot water, and cladding complaints.

For further information about this matter please contact

Helping you create better homes and places – our corporate plan is coming soon!

We’re excited to be launching our ambitious new corporate plan in the coming weeks – it sets out what we’ll do over the next three years to help you create better homes and places. This new plan focusses on your unrivalled member experience, it outlines our influencing priorities for the next few years, and it highlights our plans to provide the best services to support you now and into the future.

Created by our whole staff team alongside our member-led Board, the corporate plan has been shaped by insight built through our many member engagement opportunities, by looking ahead to future challenges and from our member perceptions research last year, which showed significant progress since our last survey in 2018.

In our 2018 survey, you asked us to develop a stronger, clearer voice on behalf of housing in the North and we hope that you have seen evidence of this – whether it’s members of the team giving evidence to Parliamentary select committees, our work to influence the Spending Review, or the evidence base we’ve built around net zero and levelling-up. We have worked hard to build the evidence base, craft compelling messages and ensure those messages reach and connect with decision-makers and policy shapers. Our commercial solutions continue to deliver value for members and contribute to the strong financial footing that enables us to perform our influencing and engagement functions for our membership.

From the 2021 survey we know that 95% of members are satisfied or very satisfied with the NHC’s work, and more than 90% of you agree that NHC membership is good value for money. Importantly the survey also told us what your challenges and priorities were in the future, and it was this insight which helped enable us to shape our priorities for the next three years.

Within the next few days we’ll be sending out your annual Member Benefits Statement detailing the ways your organisation has engaged with us over the last 12 months and how you’ve been using our procurement solutions. Overall, we held 149 online conferences, seminars, roundtables and network meetings throughout the year. 90% of our full members attended at least one conference or seminar, and 87% attended at least one roundtable or network – this is a significant increase on previous years where our engagement programme was face-to-face.

The Member Benefits Statement will allow you to look back over your engagement with us, and our new Corporate Plan will look forward and highlight how we will help you to create better homes and places.

Watch out for the new Corporate Plan hitting your inbox very soon!



The NHC joins the Child Poverty Action Group and 50 other organisations to call for the Government to increase benefits to match inflation

In the run-up to Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s Spring Statement, the NHC joined the Child Poverty Action Group’s (CPAG) campaign, along with more than 50 other organisations, to call for the Government to increase benefits by at least 8% to match inflation forecasts, instead of the planned 3.1% increase from April 2022.

The joint statement led by CPAG, and supported by others in the sector including the Chartered Institute for Housing, received coverage in the BBCGuardian and the Mirror.

Disappointingly, the Chancellor’s announcements did not include plans to provide additional support through the welfare system. The Resolution Foundation has since estimated that a further 1.3m people, including 500,000 children, will fall into absolute poverty next year.

See the full CPAG statement and signatories below:

“Prices are rising at the fastest rate in 30 years, and energy bills alone are going to rise by 54% in April. We are all feeling the pinch but the soaring costs of essentials will hurt low-income families, whose budgets are already at breaking point, most.

There has long been a profound mismatch between what those with a low income have, and what they need to get by. Policies such as the benefit cap, the benefit freeze and deductions have left many struggling. And although benefits will increase by 3.1% in April, inflation is projected to be 7.25% by then. This means a real-terms income cut just six months after the £20 per week cut to universal credit.

Child Poverty Action Group’s analysis shows families’ universal credit will fall in value by £570 per year, on average. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has calculated that 400,000 people could be pulled into poverty by this real-terms cut to benefits.

The government must respond to the scale of the challenge. Prices are rising across the board. Families with children in poverty will face £35 per month in extra energy costs through spring and summer, even after the government’s council tax rebate scheme is factored in. These families also face £26 per month in additional food costs. The pressure isn’t going to ease: energy costs will rise again in October.

A second cut to benefits in six months is unthinkable. The government should increase benefits by at least 7% in April to match inflation, and ensure support for housing costs increases in line with rents. All those struggling, including families affected by the benefit cap, must feel the impact.

Much more is needed for levels of support to reflect what people need to get by, but we urge the government to use the spring statement on 23 March to stop this large gap widening even further. The people we support and represent are struggling, and budgets can’t stretch anymore.”


Alison Garnham, Chief Executive, Child Poverty Action Group

Emma Revie, Chief Executive, The Trussell Trust

Graeme Cooke, Director of Evidence and Policy, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Morgan Wild, Head of Policy, Citizens Advice

Dan Paskins, Director of UK Impact, Save the Children UK

Imran Hussain, Director of Policy and Campaigns, Action for Children

Thomas Lawson, Chief Executive, Turn2us

Sophie Corlett, Director of External Relations, Mind

Dr Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, Chief Executive, Oxfam GB

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director, Age UK

Eve Byrne, Director of Advocacy, Macmillan Cancer Support

Kamran Mallick, CEO, Disability Rights UK

Katherine Hill, Strategic Project Manager, 4in10 London’s Child Poverty Network

Mubin Haq, Chief Executive Officer, abrdn Financial Fairness Trust 

Bob Stronge, Chief Executive, Advice NI 

Dr Ruth Allen, Chief Executive, British Association of Social Workers

Joseph Howes, Chief Executive Officer, Buttle UK

Helen Walker, Chief Executive, Carers UK 

Balbir Chatrik, Director of Policy and Communications, Centrepoint

Gavin Smart, Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Housing 

Leigh Elliott, CEO, Children North East

Paula Stringer, CEO, Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

Niall Cooper, Director, Church Action on Poverty

Lynsey Sweeney, Managing Director, Communities that Work

Anna Feuchtwang, Chair, End Child Poverty Coalition

Claire Donovan, Head of Policy, Research and Campaigns, End Furniture Poverty

Victoria Benson, CEO, Gingerbread 

Neil Parkinson, co-head of casework, Glass Door Homeless Charity

Graham Whitham, Chief Executive, Greater Manchester Poverty Action

Yasmine Ahmed, UK Director, Human Rights Watch

Sabine Goodwin, Coordinator, Independent Food Aid Network 

Jess McQuail, Director, Just Fair 

Gemma Hope, Director of Policy, Leonard Cheshire

Paul Streets, Chief Executive, Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales

Jackie O’Sullivan, Director of Communication, Advocacy and Activism, Mencap

Mark Rowland, Chief Executive, Mental Health Foundation

Chris James, Director of External Affairs, Motor Neurone Disease Association

Nick Moberly, CEO, MS Society

Anna Feuchtwang, Chief Executive, National Children’s Bureau

Charlotte Augst, Chief Executive, National Voices

Jane Streather, Chair, North East Child Poverty Commission

Tracy Harrison, Chief Executive, Northern Housing Consortium

Karen Sweeney, Director of the Women’s Support Network, on behalf of the Women’s Regional Consortium, Northern Ireland 

Satwat Rehman, CEO, One Parent Families Scotland

Mark Winstanley, Chief Executive, Rethink Mental Illness

James Taylor, Executive Director of Strategy, Impact and Social Change, Scope

Irene Audain MBE, Chief Executive Scottish, Out of School Care Network

Steve Douglas CBE, CEO, St Mungo’s 

Richard Lane, Director of External Affairs, StepChange Debt Charity

Robert Palmer, Executive Director, Tax Justice 

Claire Burns, Director, The Centre for Excellence for Children’s Care and Protection (CELCIS)

The Disability Benefits Consortium 

Dr. Nick Owen MBE, CEO, The Mighty Creatives

Peter Kelly, Director, The Poverty Alliance

Elaine Downie, Co-ordinator, The Poverty Truth Community

Tim Morfin, Founder and Chief Executive, Transforming Lives for Good (TLG)

UCL Institute of Health Equity 

Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson, Director, Women’s Budget Group 

Natasha Finlayson OBE, Chief Executive, Working Chance

Claire Reindorp, CEO, Young Women’s Trust 

DLUHC confirm the white paper on renters’ reform will be published “very soon”

Ian Byrne, MP for Liverpool West Derby, led a Westminster Hall debate on 15th March about poor quality standards in the private rented sector (PRS). The debate heard from a range of MPs citing evidence of poor housing conditions experienced by their constituents who live in private rented sector homes.

Analysis in the Northern Housing Monitor shows 1 in 7 homes in the private rented sector have a Category 1 hazard and more than two thirds of homes in the sector are below EPC C. During lockdown, the NHC supported research by the University of Huddersfield which highlighted the particular struggle for thermal comfort in the private rented sector and poor conditions impacting negatively on people’s physical and mental health.

During the debate, Matthew Pennycook MP, Shadow Minister for Housing and Planning, said there is an “acute problem” of the most vulnerable being concentrated at the lower end of the private rented market, which is often concentrated geographically. The Shadow Minister stated that substandard PRS homes are the source of “daily anxiety, torment and misery” for many and noted that it hinders children, in particular, from flourishing.

Eddie Hughes MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Rough Sleeping and Housing at DLUHC, responded to the debate to reaffirm the Government’s commitment to driving up standards of rented properties as outlined in the Levelling Up White Paper. One of the document’s core missions includes an ambition “for the number of non-decent rented homes to have fallen by 50%, with the biggest improvements in the lowest performing areas.” The NHC’s Executive Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Brian Robson, has written about this shift in government thinking from boosting supply to improving quality which you can read here.

PRS reform is long-overdue. The Renters’ Reform Bill (proposals of which were first revealed under Theresa May) was announced in the Queen’s Speech in December 2019 but it was not brought forward in the parliamentary session due to the impact of the pandemic. But renters’ reform is firmly back on the agenda, with the Levelling Up White Paper outlining:

“We will publish a landmark White Paper in the spring to consult on introducing a legally binding Decent Homes Standard in the Private Rented Sector for the first time ever, explore a National Landlord Register and bring forward other measures to reset the relationship between landlords and tenants, including through ending section 21 “no fault evictions””.

These proposals are welcome. The NHC acts as Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Housing in the North. Last year, the APPG’s inquiry into housing standards in the North’s PRS published its final report. The APPG’s recommendations included:

  • a full review by the Law Commission of private rented legislation
  • a national landlord identification database of landlords’ details, their properties, and their energy performance
  • a DWP trial of linking payment of housing benefit to minimum quality standards
  • repealing Section 21 without delay
  • support to maintain well-resourced enforcement teams within local authorities
  • greater local freedom for Selective Licensing schemes
  • a Housing Quality Investment Fund to support local long-term collaboration across tenures to improve housing quality.

The NHC is a core participant in DLUHC’s review of the Decent Homes Standard. Following the Levelling-Up White Paper’s announcement that the Standard will be applied in the PRS for the first time, we expect the pace of the review to significantly accelerate in coming months, with a formal consultation on a new standard coming forward as soon as this Summer.

We are also awaiting the response from BEIS on the consultation to raise the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) to EPC C for new PRS lettings from 2025 and to EPC C for all PRS properties from 2028. While we welcome the commitment to improve the energy performance of homes in the PRS, this makes the APPG’s recommendation on ensuring enforcement teams in local authorities are properly resourced even more pertinent.

Enforcement is a particular challenge for local authorities in the North where a reduction in capacity has led to a 58% drop in housing services spend and a 73% drop in planning and building control spend between 2010/11-2020/21.

During the Westminster Hall debate, Eddie Hughes MP confirmed that the renters’ reform white paper (as opposed to a Bill previously promised) setting out how the Government plan to drive up standards in the PRS will be brought forward “very soon”. The NHC will be closely following developments on the proposed package of reforms for our members.

Please do not hesitate to follow up on any of this with the NHC by contacting Anna Seddon (Policy and Public Affairs Manager) at

Government energy efficiency scheme has led to annual energy bill savings of £1.2m so far

The £2bn Green Homes Grant (GHG) scheme was launched by the Government in 2020 to increase the energy efficiency of 600,000 eligible homes by providing discounts to incentivise householders to upgrade their homes. The scheme was announced as part of a wider strategy to meet net zero by 2050, “build back greener” after the pandemic, and as part of the plan to reach the Government’s target for as many homes as possible to be Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Band C by 2030.

As we know, the delivery of the Green Homes Grant scheme did not meet expectations and was scrapped by the Government just six months after its launch, with only a fraction of the available vouchers issued in the period. The objectives of the scheme still remain incredibly important for the North: to reduce carbon emissions from homes, cut household bills, make homes warmer and more comfortable, and bring new jobs and skills to the region. Action to reduce fuel poverty is particularly important to NHC members at the moment due to the ongoing cost-of-living crisis and subsequent pressure to reduce gas demand.

£500m of the initial GHG funding was for the Local Authority Delivery (LAD) scheme for local authorities to target households with an income under £30,000. Though not without its own challenges, this has arguably been the most successful element of the GHG scheme.

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) release monthly statistics on the progress of energy efficiency measures installed through the LAD scheme which allows us to track the number and nature of energy efficiency improvements being carried out.

Here’s what we know from the data so far:

Since October 2020, a total of 10,920 homes have been upgraded through the LAD scheme – 9,761 through Phase 1 and 1,159 through Phase 2.

Under Phase 1 of the LAD scheme (allocated to successful local authority bidders), around 12,000 measures have been installed across the country. 60% of these have been insulation measures (the most common type being external solid wall insulation), 19% electricity-related measures (mostly solar PV), 9% window and door measures (such as double or triple glazing), 8% low carbon heating measures (the majority being air source heat pumps), and 4% heat control measures.

For Phase 2 (allocated directly to Local Net Zero Hubs), the proportion of measures so far have been as follows: 55% electricity-related measures (solar PV), 33% insulation measures (mainly internal solid wall insulation and loft insulation), 7% low carbon heat (mostly air source heat pumps), 3% windows and doors, and 1% heating controls.

The data is broken down regionally, showing that around 30% of households with at least one measure installed through Phase 1 are located in the North. For Phase 2, Northern households make up a bigger share of the total of households with at least one measure installed so far, at around 50%. Given the North accounts for 29% of England’s households, and 32% of England’s fuel poor households, these are encouraging results.

The last phase of the LAD scheme was distributed through BEIS’ Sustainable Warmth Competition in December last year (no data available on this yet), which comprised Phase 3 of LAD and Phase 1 of the Home Upgrade Grants which target off-gas homes. Our analysis showed the North only received around 20% of funding through LAD Phase 3.

The most illuminating element of the statistical release is the detail around the savings made by householders because of these improvements. The total estimated annual bill savings for households upgraded through Phase 1 of LAD – a total of 12,143 measures across England – is £1.2m. The majority of these savings come from solid wall insulation measures (£660,000) with the next highest savings from heat pumps (£230,000).

Recent analysis by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU) has shown that energy efficiency measures were installed in 6m homes across the UK between 2009 and 2019 to bring them up to EPC C. Action taken throughout the decade is subsequently estimated to be saving bill payers £1.15bn this year. The often stop-start nature of government green schemes means this figure could have been a lot higher, but it still demonstrates the impact energy performance improvements have. ECIU analysis shows upgrading homes from EPC D to EPC C will result in a 20% reduction in gas demand per home. This is particularly important at the moment due to our exposure to the volatility of international gas markets impacting energy bills and therefore levels of fuel poverty.

And that’s just on energy efficiency, transitioning to efficient forms of clean heat (such as heat pumps) will reduce demand even further. As the LAD data shows, the highest proportion of energy bill savings have resulted from solid wall insulation and heat pump installation.

There is huge potential to go further on this. The LAD scheme showed that local authorities are able to act quickly using local expertise to bring together partners and supply chains to deliver energy efficiency upgrades to homes and reduce household bills. However, competitive funding arrangements and short deadlines are not the most effective way to upgrade the region’s homes at pace and scale; the NHC will continue to make the case to Government that long-term certainty is needed to build the supply chain and skills capacity to deliver in the North.

Greening our homes is the ‘shovel-ready’ way to reduce the impact of soaring energy bills.

In response to the cost-of-living-crisis and the presence of Russian gas in global markets, the Prime Minister is expected to publish an energy strategy with a focus on moving away from gas to renewable sources. NHC members can play a major role in reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, reducing household bills, and creating healthier homes by upgrading the energy performance of existing homes and transitioning to low carbon heat technologies.

You can see the full list of successful bids for the LAD scheme here.

Please do not hesitate to follow up on any of this with the NHC by contacting Anna Seddon (Policy and Public Affairs Manager) at

New Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Requirements for Social Housing

In November 2020, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) confirmed plans to introduce new rules to ensure social rented homes are fitted with smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. The proposed changes, subject to parliamentary approval, will mean all social landlords must:

  • Install at least one smoke alarm on every storey of their homes; and
  • Install carbon monoxide alarms in every room which contains a fixed combustion appliance (excluding gas cookers)

It is expected that the cost of these new requirements to install and maintain alarms will fall to social landlords.

This announcement followed commitments for wide-ranging regulatory changes outlined in the Social Housing White Paper, including the launch of a consultation to extend requirements for smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in social housing. DLUHC’s consultation response can be found here, for more information. The changes will bring these new requirements for social landlords in line with requirements in the private rented sector, where they have been mandated since 2015.

The proposed changes do not require legislative changes – they can be introduced through regulations, which can receive parliamentary approval much faster than legislation.

Eddie Hughes MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Rough Sleeping and Housing at DLUHC, has recently notified us his intention is to lay these regulations in coming months, and that the resulting changes could come into force as soon as Autumn 2022. He strongly encourages social landlords begin the installation of alarms without delay. We know many of our members already conform with these requirements, or were acting on this following the Government’s announcements in November, but the message from Government is clear that they will be bringing forward these changes as soon as practicable.

DLUHC have provided a specific email address in case you have any questions directly for the DLUHC team working on this:

All Party Parliamentary Group for Housing in the North Returns for 2022

The APPG for Housing in the North, the forum for Parliamentarians to discuss and advance housing and related policy issues, met this month to launch a new work programme for 2022/3.

2021 had proved to be a productive year for the group with a string of Ministerial engagements. The APPG was joined in both January and May by the Minister for Housing where priorities including PRS standards, affordable housing, Local Authority capacity, and Net Zero were discussed. The Minister for Business, Energy and Corporate Responsibility also provided a keynote address at the APPG’s first joint-event held in collaboration with the APPG for Housing and Social Mobility exploring the barriers to scaling up the retrofit supply chain and embedding good green jobs at the local level.

Building on this work, it was announced that the forthcoming year’s meetings would look at ensuring housing investment, and housing providers, can contribute fully to the Government’s Levelling Up agenda.  As attendees were told at the outset; whether it’s restoring local pride and community agency, improving housing quality, ensuring communities can access excellent public services, or boosting living standards, a high quality and affordable housing offer will be central to success.

It was noted that the APPG for Housing in the North could take much from the recent publication from the long-trailed Levelling Up White Paper. The White Paper has reflected back much of the APPG’s work and priorities in recent years; an acknowledgement that the importance of housing goes beyond availability, and having a decent home is fundamental to individual and collective wellbeing, that raising and enforcing standards in the Private Rented Sector is a particular challenge, and that the resources of Homes England could be reorientated towards supporting area regeneration. The task for the APPG and stakeholders in the North, was to ensure the agenda has the longevity needed to deliver.

Against a back drop energy insecurity and price volatility, a range of stakeholders were brought together to discuss the cost of living crisis and work being undertaken by Northern Housing Consortium members to support communities in the short term, and improve the energy efficiency of homes across the North to protect people in the long term. Contributions were made by National Energy Action, North Star Housing Group, Centre for Sustainable Energy, Liverpool City Council, Burnley Borough Council, and Cosy Homes in Lancashire.

A post-event-meeting pack, detailing key points and discussion, can be accessed here: