Renters (Reform) Bill: What does it mean for social housing providers?

Blog by NHC supporter member, Ward Hadaway.

The Renters (Reform) Bill (currently at its second reading in Parliament) will be one of the biggest reforms of the English rental market we have seen in recent years.

The Bill itself is split into 5 distinct parts – parts 1 (assured tenancies) and 4 (supported and temporary accommodation) are most relevant to social housing providers.

Key provisions

  1. Abolition of Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions

The government’s view is that “no-fault” evictions make it challenging for tenants to put down roots, reducing investment into local areas and impacting upon on homeless figures. In response to that, S.21 and the ability to end an assured shorthold tenancy on giving 2 months’ notice will be abolished.

It means landlords will need to rely upon other grounds for possession (including new grounds) as to which see below.

  1. Assured tenancies

Pursuant to the Bill,  all tenancies will be fully assured, periodic tenancies. Rental periods cannot be greater than 1 month.

It also means that social housing providers will no longer be able to grant “starter” tenancies as a trial before allowing tenants to convert to fully assured tenancies.

Tenants will still be able to end their assured tenancy by giving notice to quit at any time – but that notice period will be extended to at least 2 months, expiring at the end of a rental period.

Existing shorthold tenancies will convert to periodic tenancies by a specified long stop date.

But – a tenancy granted for a term of more than 7 years cannot be an assured tenancy. Currently, there is no upper limit. It means that, for example, shared ownership leases will no longer be a hybrid between a long lease and an assured tenancy – and therefore the current grounds for possession under Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 will cease to have effect and shared ownership leases can only be terminated by forfeiture, bringing them into line with leasehold tenure generally.

  1. Strengthening of grounds for possession:

The government says “responsible” landlords will still be able to recover possession of their properties where tenants are at fault, through the Bill’s strengthened eviction powers and possession grounds.

New, or amended, possession grounds relevant to social housing providers include:

  • Where certain landlords, including providers of social housing, hold a leasehold interest in its property and that lease will come to an end within 12 months of the date of a S.8 Notice Seeking Possession (new mandatory ground 2ZA)
  • The notice period for ground 7A will be reduced so that landlords can issue proceedings immediately upon service of the notice;
  • The notice period for ground 8 will increase to 4 weeks;
  • Where a tenant has been in at least 2 months’ rent arrears at least 3 times in the last 3 years (new mandatory ground 8A);
  • Ground 14 is amended to include conduct “capable of causing” nuisance or annoyance rather than “likely to cause” bringing it in line with the definition of ASB in the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014;
  • The tenancy is used for supported accommodation and the tenant has unreasonably refused to co-operate with the support provider (new discretionary ground 18)
  1. Rent Review

The Bill will abolish contractual rent review clauses – instead, rent reviews for assured tenancies will be effected by:

  • Notice under S.13 of the Housing Act 1988;
  • FTT determination of an open marked rent under S.14; or
  • Written agreement between the landlord and tenant following a FTT determination.

The period of notice for a rent increase will increase to 2 months and no increase shall take effect within the first 52 weeks of the tenancy.

Many housing providers will have standard provisions in their tenancy agreements that relate to a contractual right to review the rent, and that reviews will take place on fixed dates (e.g. 1 April) each year. These provisions of the Bill will void those clauses.

  1. Redress system, supported and temporary accommodation

The Bill provides for the creation of a landlord redress system, a new Ombudsman and a landlord database. The aim is to provide tenants in the PRS with greater protection and the ability to have their landlords’ actions independently assessed.

Social housing providers are expressly excluded from the redress provisions.

However – within a year of clause 63 of the Bill coming into force, the government must set out its policy in relation to supported and temporary (homelessness) accommodation, including the standards of safety and quality  that should apply to that accommodation and how that should be enforced.

What does this mean?

For now we must wait and see how the Bill progresses through Parliament and await any potential amendments – it would be a surprise if there were no changes to the Bill, but the underlying objectives are likely to remain.

If the Bill is enacted, all new tenancies will be governed by its rules from its commencement. Existing tenancies will be governed by the new rules after the expiry of a long stop date – except where fixed term ASTs expire before that long stop date, in which case the new rules will apply from the expiry of that fixed term.

Until the Bill is enacted, there is currently no need to housing providers to do anything differently as to the creation and management of their tenancies. But at a strategic level, providers should be giving thought as to the operational effect of having no tenancies with fixed terms and limitations upon rent review – and what this may mean for property turnover and financial planning.

Northern Housing Consortium 2023 Election of Directors

The Northern Housing Consortium represents the views of housing organisations in the North of England, with our membership of local and combined authorities, ALMOs and housing associations representing over 9 out of every 10 social homes in the North.  Our vision is our collaborative Northern voice helps members create and regenerate sustainable homes and build resilient, thriving communities.

The overall management and strategic direction of the Northern Housing Consortium is entrusted to the Board of Directors who are subject to election each year from Full Member organisations.  Membership of the Board is balanced between the three Northern regions and consideration is made of sectoral representation across different organisation types as well as the need for balance across the range of equality categories – age, disability, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation. We would strongly encourage applications from all backgrounds to support our inclusion and diversity objectives.

Under the Consortium’s governance arrangements, all nominations for the position of Director will be reviewed by the Board (or their nominated representatives), against a Skills Set for Directors to ensure that they meet the Board’s requirement to fill any vacancies – the Skills Set and Board Director Role Profile are enclosed in the Board Director Nomination Pack.

In accordance with a procedure agreed by the Board, we are seeking nominations for up to four new Directors’ places to be filled for the three-year period 2023-2026.  The Directors who are also retiring this year but who wish to stand for re-election are as follows:

  1. Paul Fiddaman, Group Chief Executive, Karbon Homes

NB The Board have confirmed their support for the re-election of the above candidate.

Should the number of successful nominations exceed the vacancies available, a ballot will be arranged and the results announced for formal approval by the Full Members at the Consortium’s Annual General Meeting on 23rd November 2023.

A nomination form is included in the Nomination Pack, and I invite you to consider and make nominations of candidates no later than 16th August 2023.  Please note that you can nominate more than one candidate but in doing so, you should note the conditions for nominating candidates included in the Nomination Pack.

An application form can be obtained from This must be completed by the nominee and returned with the nomination form no later than 16th August 2023.

If you would like to discuss your nomination for the position of Director, please contact:-

Tracy Harrison

Chief Executive

T: 07809659492


NHC welcomes change on funding replacement homes

The Northern Housing Consortium has welcomed the news from Homes England that grant funding from the Affordable Homes Programme can be used to fund replacement homes, alongside additional new affordable homes, as part of wider estate regeneration plans.


NHC members and others have long called for the restrictions on net additionality to be revised, and at the NHC’s first meeting with Housing Minister, Rachel Maclean MP, we highlighted the challenges this posed for our members, and urged her to adopt a more flexible approach. What Government have announced is that grants can now be used to fund replacement homes – where they are being delivered alongside net additional affordable housing.


We recognise that members will have questions about the change, and how it will work in practice. The NHC is working with Homes England to arrange a Q&A member webinar shortly.  Look out for details on MyNHC, or email if you would like to be notified when bookings open.


Brian Robson, Executive Director (Policy and Public Affairs), said:


“It’s good to see the minister has clearly listened to what NHC members and the wider housing sector have been saying for some time. We welcome this week’s announcement and hope this will enable more much-needed regeneration in the North. We’re currently talking to Homes England about what this means in practice for our members, and hope the webinar we have planned will prove useful.”

Social Housing Quality Fund

From 26 June, housing providers in the Greater Manchester area will be able to apply to a new £15m Social Housing Quality Fund, aiming to improve housing quality and minimise health hazards in people’s homes.

Successful applicants will receive grant-funding to carry out repairs and renovations in properties affected by issues including damp and mould, with providers expected to match-fund at least 25% of the awarded money. The fund hopes to support works on up to 1,500 properties within the Greater Manchester area and is open to registered providers of housing, including housing associations, local authorities, and arms-length management organizations (ALMOs).

Awarding of the funds will take a risk-based approach with funding decisions considering property type, whether the property is home to vulnerable residents, and the presence of Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) hazards. The fund will support the installation of measures to homes in the priority order set out below:

Band 1 Dealing with Category 1 damp and mould housing health and safety rating (HHSRS) hazards.
Band 2 Dealing with Category 2 damp and mould HHSRS hazards facing vulnerable households.
Band 3 Dealing with other Category 2 damp and mould HHSRS hazards.
Band 4 Dealing with properties where tenants have reported damp and mould issues and surveys have identified remedial action required.
Band 5 Supporting ‘infill’ works to properties of archetypes with vulnerable tenants where issues are known to occur and where evidence demonstrates elevated risks of hazards occurring.
Band 6 Supporting ‘infill’ works to properties of archetypes where issues are known to occur and where evidence demonstrates elevated risks of hazards occurring.

Any application must demonstrate that the work is in addition to already planned maintenance, or that the works would be accelerated with additional grant funding, or both. All funds received by successful applicants must be spent by 31 March 2024.

Applications for the Social Housing Quality Fund will be accepted until 11:45am on Friday 14 July.

An introductory event is scheduled at 11:00-13:00 on Wednesday 28 June for Registered Housing Providers and Local Authorities interested in submitting bids, to provide an overview of the fund’s objectives, the application process and associated assessment criteria. Any interested party can register for the event by emailing

Further information about the Fund, and details on how to apply from 26 June, can be found on the dedicated Social Housing Quality Fund webpage on the Greater Manchester Combined Authority website. Alternatively, prospective applicants can contact directly with any enquiries.


The Social Housing (Regulation) Bill received its first reading in Parliament on 8th June following its inclusion in the Queen’s Speech.

The aim of the Bill is to have more people living in decent, well looked-after homes and to redress the balance between landlord and tenant.   The Regulator of Social Housing will have stronger powers to issue unlimited fines, enter properties at short notice and ensure emergency repairs are carried out.

Provisions in the Bill include:

  • The Regulator’s powers to act will be strengthened and social housing landlords could face unlimited fines for breaches of standards.
  • The serious detriment test will be removed making it easier for the Regulator to tackle poor standards.
  • Safety has been added to the Regulator’s fundamental objectives.
  • The Regulator will be required to set up an advisory panel to include representatives of social housing tenants and social landlords.
  • The Regulator will have the power to issue social landlords with ‘performance improvement plan notices’ if they fail to meet standards.
  • Tenants will be put on a level playing field with the ability to hold landlords to account through a focus on transparency and provision for an access to information scheme similar to Freedom of Information.
  • Social landlords will be subject to ‘Ofsted-style’ inspections
  • The government will ‘name and shame’ landlords who fall below standards.

The Bill forms a key part of the government’s mission to level up across the country, with steps to halve the number of poor-quality rented homes by 2030 and redressing the balance of power between landlord and tenant.

Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove said “We are driving up the standards of social housing and giving residents a voice to make sure they get the homes they deserve. That is levelling up in action.”

Tenants will also have a direct line to government, with a new 250-person residents panel convening every 4 months to share their experiences with ministers, inform policy thinking and help drive change in the sector.

At the same time that the Bill had its first reading, DLUHC opened a consultation on introducing electrical safety standards to the social housing sector. Proposals include mandatory checks on electrical installations at least every five years for rented and leasehold properties, and mandatory portable appliance testing (PAT) on all electrical appliances that are provided by social landlords.

Homes England Summer Learning Programme – book now

Registrations are now open for July’s Summer Learning Programme from Homes England’s Local Government Capacity Centre.  The 14 free webinars, which are designed to support local government with development of housing and regeneration in line with Homes England’s new Strategic Plan, run between 10 to 20 July 2023.

Topics range from placemaking at a community level, measuring social value in economic appraisal and creating a distinct narrative for a place, to biodiversity net gain, green infrastructure for high quality places, compulsory purchase order (CPO) tips, planning for later living and health in design. Sessions book up quickly so do register now to avoid disappointment.

The whole programme can be accessed via Homes England’s website;  but the following webinars involve NHC members and might be of particular interest:

Learning from Greenhaus: A Passivhaus case study

With Salford City Council, Salix Homes

13 July 11am to 12:30pm Book here


Introducing the Fair Foundations approach to place-based interventions

With Karbon Homes

19 July 11am to 12:30pm Book here


Fair Foundations: Better placemaking to support the everyday economy  

With Coastal Housing Group, Unity Homes

20th July 2pm to 3:30pm Book here  


The NHC host the Regulator for a site visit tour across Greater Manchester

This month the NHC hosted a visit across various member sites in Greater Manchester with the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH). We welcomed Chair of the Regulator, Bernadette Conroy; and Director of Consumer Regulation, Kate Dodsworth, to visit MSV Housing, Johnnie Johnson Housing (JJHT) and Salix Homes sites across Manchester and Salford. This tour provided the opportunity for our members to highlight the key challenges and opportunities they are facing at present – in particular: new supply, net zero, and building safety.

We began the tour with a visit to the Depot regeneration site in the Moss Side area of Manchester. The Depot is a brownfield site which now contains over 200 homes, many of which are MSV’s. Elmswood Park is an MSV extra care scheme offering an independent living experience exclusively for over 55s whilst providing a consistent care service – thus relieving the pressure on residential care settings. Also in the Depot is Bowes House, a Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation (HAPPI) scheme offering 40 shared ownership apartments for over 55s, designed to adapt over time to meet the changing needs of the occupants. The last stop at the Depot was to Manchester City Council’s Neighbourhood Apartments, which are provided to help speed up hospital discharge for older people by providing short-term suitable accommodation. The scheme was a great example of excellent partnership working between local authorities and housing associations – in this case Manchester City Council and MSV.

We then moved on to see Positive Futures, another MSV site in the Moss Side area which was previously MSV’s head office. The building has been repurposed to provide 17 high-quality, affordable apartments for care leavers, with the ground floor being occupied by Positive Futures – a facility which provides training and education for the community.

The last MSV site we visited was Cosy Home, a traditional pre-war terraced house in the heart of Rusholme. This type of house is prolific across Manchester, with MSV alone owning 1,300 similar properties. They are notoriously difficult to retrofit and pose a major problem for providers across the North with these types of homes in their stock. The Cosy Home is a pilot retrofit house which now benefits from an EPC A rating due to internal wall insulation, PV panels, an air source heat pump, and highly efficient new windows and doors.

We then moved on to visit JJHT’s Wellington House site, an independent living housing development for the over 55s. The development has undergone renovation of some of its apartments to convert them from studios to one-bed apartments. JJHT have ambitions to extend this work, and further renovate the scheme to ensure it reaches the high standards set by other JJHT sites. Current approaches to funding the regeneration of existing stock make this more comprehensive regeneration challenging, and we were able to explain to Kate and Bernadette that this is just one example of the constraints net additionality rules place on Northern providers.

To end the tour, we travelled over to Salford to visit two Salix sites. The Regulator had the opportunity to see Canon Hussey Court, a 1960s tower block which was identified as one of eight Salix tower blocks in Salford to have been fitted with cladding that fails fire safety tests. Salix moved promptly to remediate the fire safety failure with a large-scale programme across its tower blocks. However, works on Canon Hussey Court and its sister block, Arthur Millwood Court, were complex. Salix needed to remediate the entire cladding system of the blocks and many challenges arose which were worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic. The programme of work was finally completed in spring 2021 and included the removal and replacement of the defective cladding system, the installation of sprinklers, a new state-of-the art fire alarm system, along with the refurbishment of communal areas.

Our final visit was to Salix’s Greenhaus site where we donned our hard hats and boots to see the ground-breaking, eco-friendly apartment block currently under construction in Salford. The nine-storey, 96-apartment building is being built to Passivhaus standards and will be the largest Passivhaus affordable housing scheme in the north west. Construction of Greenhaus – which is being delivered by the English Cities Fund – is progressing well and is due for completion in spring 2024.

The homes at Greenhaus will benefit from triple-glazed windows and the latest in insulation technology, using minimal energy for heating and cooling. Public electric vehicle charging spaces are also being installed at the site, along with a public square and landscaping. Greenhaus represents a new era of high quality, sustainable and affordable housing, delivering desperately needed affordable homes in Salford which are better for the environment, support carbon neutral ambitions, and help reduce fuel poverty for residents.

The close the day, we held a dinner in Manchester city centre with Bernadette and Kate along with NHC members from across the region, providing members the opportunity to speak directly with the Regulator.

We would like to thank Bernadette Conroy and Kate Dodsworth from the RSH, all members and staff involved in the site visits, and all delegates at the evening dinner.

The Social Housing Regulation Bill is close to completing its passage through Parliament, so this was an apt time to host the Regulator and discuss the experiences of our members.

The NHC convenes regular bilateral meetings with the RSH, as well as a member-led Regulation Network. For details, contact Nigel Johnston, Head of Business Improvement: