Disrepair Claims: Reconvened Network and Full-Day Conference for NHC Members

The Dealing with Disrepair Network for NHC members reconvened this week after a short hiatus due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The group, organised by the NHC and Ward Hadaway, was originally formed in response to the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act. Since March 2020 the Act has imposed upon landlords an implied contractual obligation that all properties must be ‘fit for human habitation’ at the start of a new tenancy and will remain so for the duration.

Providing decent quality housing is of course a core priority for the social housing sector, but there is a persisting worry that ‘no win, no fee’ lawyers will exploit the Act, targeting tenants to issue disrepair claims against social landlords seen as a ‘soft touch’.

To counteract this, the Dealing with Disrepair Network was set up to offer a forum for NHC members to share good practice around preventing, mitigating, and challenging unjustified claims. With colleagues from Ward Hadaway guiding and inputting into conversations, attendees have discussed market intelligence and shared technical information pertaining to disrepair, as well network on organisational strategies to deal with disrepair.

Following a meeting in July of last year it was decided that the group would go on a short hiatus, the feeling being that the most pressing concern for organisations was ensuring a continuity of service for repairs and maintenance works during lockdown and to prepare to address a backlog of repairs once lockdown had lifted. With disrepair claims back on the rise, the time felt right to reconvene the group. With around 50 NHC members in attendance, the meeting saw group discussion centre on recent and regional trends to disrepair claims, the continued effects of lockdown on planned maintenance, arranging disrepair inspections, and issues around access and tenant shielding.

The Dealing with Disrepair Network were also the first to hear of the Disrepair Conference being arranged by the NHC and Ward Hadaway.  Taking place online on the 7th April, Handling Disrepair Claims: A Journey from Complaints to Costs will see leading practitioners and legal experts share good practice and aim to equip attendees with the confidence and knowledge to challenge spurious claims through asset management and legal approaches. With Disrepair Claims happening and on the rise, the NHC and Ward Hadaway hope the full-day agenda will provide attendees with the advice and tips help move challenging claims ‘in-house’ – upskilling staff, saving time, and offering value for money.

Handling Disrepair Claims: A Journey from Complaints to Costs takes place 7th April 2021, 10.00 – 16.15. Tickets are priced at £99 for NHC members and £129 for non-members. For more information on confirmed topics and speakers, and to book your place, click here:

 The Dealing with Disrepair Network is an NHC member only group that meets quarterly. To add your name to the mailing list to be notified of future meetings, email events@northern-consortium.org.uk

Fuel Poverty Strategy Published

BEIS has finally published the updated Fuel Poverty Strategy called “Sustainable Warmth: Protecting Vulnerable Households in England.”

The new strategy makes 21 commitments to “ensure everyone can afford the energy required to keep their lights and heating on.”

It sets out how it will meet the UK’s legal target to “improve as many fuel poor homes as is reasonably practicable to a minimum energy efficiency rating of EPC Band C, by the end of 2030.”

The first question to ask is if the strategy commits to the resources needed to address fuel poverty.

Key announcements:

  • Extending the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) to £1bn per annum to install heating, insulation, or other energy saving measures in the homes of people who are living on a low-income, are vulnerable or fuel poor.
  • Investing £150 million in the Home Upgrade Grant from 2022 to support low-income households off the gas network.
  • The continuation of the Green Home Grant (GHG), and the Local Authority Delivery (LAD) and evaluation of the scheme.
  • Extending the Warm Home Discount to provide rebates and wider support to reduce energy bills for low-income pensioners and other low-income households with high energy bills.
  • Higher regulatory standards in the private rented sector driving over ‘£10 billion of investment in energy efficiency.’

Definition of fuel poverty

The strategy alters the definition of fuel poverty moving away from the Low Income High Costs (LIHC) definition of fuel poverty. That is a relative indicator which has not allowed Government to reduce the overall number of households in fuel poverty despite action taken. The new indicator will be Low Income Low Energy Efficiency (LILEE). It will capture households that have a residual income below the poverty line (after accounting for fuel costs) and live in a home that has an energy efficiency rating below Band C. Consequently, the numbers recorded as in fuel poverty will fall as the energy efficiency rating of the homes of low-income households reaches Band C.

Benefits which are not means tested are excluded as residual income as the income of those receiving the benefits is artificially inflated and therefore not accurately portraying their likely income versus expenditure, including whether they are likely to be vulnerable to living in a cold home.

The strategy recognises that there are important questions regarding households that fall outside of the definition. For example, a low-income household living in an A-C rated home who would not be classed as fuel poor under the LILEE definition and would therefore not qualify for energy efficiency improvements.

There is a strong case for continuing to monitor whether low income and vulnerable households who live in reasonably efficient homes continue to receive support to heat their homes.

Fuel Poverty Targets

The fuel poverty target remains the same – to ensure that as many fuel poor homes as is reasonably practicable achieve a minimum energy efficiency rating of Band C, by 2030. Milestones also remain unchanged, “as many fuel poor homes as is reasonably practicable to Band E by 2020 and as many fuel poor homes as is reasonably practicable to Band D by 2025.”

The strategy is less clear about actions to be taken if fuel poverty schemes fail to achieve these milestones.

Strategic Principles

The updated strategy confirms four guiding principles for tackling fuel poverty:

The ‘Worst First’ principle has been retained, prioritising upgrades to the least efficient homes.

The cost-effectiveness principle is retained seeking the best return from investment but emphasises that landlords will need to make ‘significant up-front investments’ in housing stock.

The vulnerability principle updates the view of vulnerability explicitly referring to older people, younger people, those with certain cold related health conditions and those with conditions that require more time to be spent at home.

A new sustainability principle ensures fuel poverty policies are aligned with the need to reach net zero, making it a central part of work to achieve a just energy transition.

Key commitments to deliver change.

  • Improved energy efficiency standards through the Future Homes Standard, and review of the Decent Homes Standard.
  • MHCLG is currently reviewing the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). BEIS and MHCLG will work together to ensure the HHSRS review takes account of evidence on cold homes and aligns with wider Government aims on energy efficiency and fuel poverty.
  • Warm Home Discount – consultation on reforms, to improve the fuel poverty targeting of the scheme and expand automatic bill rebates will be held later in 2021.
  • Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards – increased regulation of the private rented sector will play an important role in meeting the fuel poverty target and in making a major contribution towards wider energy efficiency and decarbonisation objectives.
  • New guidance for landlords of HMOs will be published to clarify when an EPC is required and when the PRS Regulations 2015 apply to HMOs.
  • Energy Company Obligation – the next iteration of ECO (2022-26) will increase in value from £640m to £1bn per year. It will be designed to align with other domestic energy efficiency policies in social housing and the private rented sector.
  • The Strategy commits to monitoring the delivery of energy efficiency schemes, such as ECO and parts of the Green Homes Grant Voucher and LAD schemes, to identify where delivery is at lower-than expected levels. BEIS is currently evaluating the targeting and impact of the ECO scheme. The results of these evaluations will be publicly available when complete.
  • Home Upgrade Grant – a commitment has been made to introduce HUG as a successor to the Green Homes Grant, with £150m in 2021/22. This is expected to rise significantly in the following years, in line with previous statements and the Conservative Manifesto commitment of £2.5bn.
  • Social Housing – grant recipients for the initial £50 million Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund demonstrators will be announced in February 2021. At SR20, a further £60 million was committed for the SHDF. We continue to call for the remainder of the £3.8bn earmarked for the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund to be brought forward to assist economic recovery in Northern regions.
  • Local Partnerships – In March 2020 BEIS allocated each of the 5 Local Energy Hubs £75,000 for fuel poverty work in financial year 2020/2021. The Hubs are using this resource to employ an energy officer to support local authorities to develop their ECO Flexible Eligibility scheme and to develop bids for Local Area Delivery programmes of the Green Homes Grant.
  • Hard to Treat Homes – £7.7 million has been awarded to three organisations through the Whole House Retrofit Challenge Fund to explore innovative approaches to reducing the cost of whole house retrofit.

Consultations will take place early next financial year on both the future of ECO and the Warm Home Discount. In the short-term, BEIS are holding workshops on the development of HUG and will release the consultation response and draft regulations to next financial year’s 1-year extension to WHD in the coming weeks.

Targeting of fuel poor households

Meeting the statutory fuel poverty target in a cost-effective way requires support to be targeted at those living in fuel poverty. There is no single list of which households are fuel poor. The Committee on Fuel Poverty has called for better use of data to find the households most in need and eliminate the need for bureaucratic application processes. In our report, No Home Left Behind, we called for a local approach to the ECO scheme to allow better use of data, guided by local authorities and allowing for the blending of ECO with grant funding.

Consultation will be held on a reformed ECO Flexible Eligibility scheme, designed to allow local authorities to identify low income households, under any future successor ECO schemes.

Reaction to the Strategy

The updated strategy includes some welcome and enhanced resources to meet the challenge of ending fuel poverty.

We are pleased to see that the Government’s intention to focus on more intensive improvements to the worst homes will be backed up by an Energy Company Obligation that increases to £1bn a year from April 2022, and that stronger efforts will be made to identify households in need.

The opportunities and challenges that have emerged around the Green Homes Grant programme show just how much we need a long-term strategic approach to meeting the long-term goals. This strategy states that it does not set out the final path to meeting the 2030 target and is written as a ‘living document’ to be adapted. It is critical however that a  clear long-term plan should deliver the wider economic recovery and levelling up needed in some regions, including developing the jobs and skills needed to deliver energy efficiency works, as set out by IPPR North in Northern Powerhomes.

It is welcome that the strategy considers the interaction between different energy schemes and that they can be used alongside each other for the installation of measures at the same property.

A commitment to raise regulatory standards on private landlords is welcome but this must go hand in hand with increased capacity for local authorities to enforce the standards as we called for in our 2021 Budget Submission.

Building back greener will require embedding the principles set out in the strategy, linking energy efficiency directly to health, wellbeing, and job creation, and commitment to a Home Improvement Plan for the North.


Modern Methods of Construction – time for some honesty?


There is a growing body of experience of MMC in the social housing sector now, with a number of Registered Providers in the North having conducted pilot projects, large and small. LHC has worked on hundreds of projects for social landlords all around the UK, totalling more than 5,300 homes to date.

 However, it’s hard to escape the unspoken political pressure to present success and ensure the MMC story is a wholly positive one. So are we at risk of missing out on the detailed learning about mistakes?  Registered Providers want to know what worked well, but also what the MMC pioneers would not do again, so they can avoid the same problems.

 Gary Cawley, director of CPC, says it’s time for a bit of straight-talking Northern honesty. He shares the top five ‘lessons learned’ from the aggregation of MMC projects managed by LHC to date, explains how working with CPC can overcome barriers for local social housing clients, and calls for continued collaboration by local housing groups to help reduce risk and build confidence in MMC housing in the North.


Modern Methods of Construction – time for some honesty?

Gary Cawley, Director, North & Central England, CPC


Let’s face it. If you’re a small or medium sized housing association or social landlord, you are not going to want to be an early adopter. Trailblazing in the North for all to see? No, I don’t think so, despite all the marketing blurb about ‘innovation to meet local need’.


Specifically, I’m talking here about MMC (Modern Methods of Construction, aka offsite construction, near-site pre-manufacturing, or their close cousin, Design for Manufacture and Assembly). Yes, social housing development directors, this piece is targeted straight at you.


Because, when it comes to trying new construction methods for your development programme, any sensible Social Housing Provider is going to let other, bigger players take a lead, incur the cost of innovation, make all the mistakes and establish a robust supply chain with plenty of experience and useful lessons that you can tap into later.


We all get that. But what happens when the Board keeps muttering about risk, political pressure to promote MMC and ‘falling behind the curve’? From their point of view, the market is changing beyond recognition, facing new pressures post-Brexit and post-Covid, and everywhere they look there is news of another MMC social housing project.


Each one is being celebrated as faster, cheaper, safer and more sustainable than the last. There is talk of setting up local housing factories and delivering shed loads of social value, and it all sounds so easy. MPs and Mayors line up in their hard hats to have their photos taken next to the latest MMC project, and everyone declares everything as a resounding success.


But sorry, I think it’s time to be brutally honest here. Nobody’s talking openly about the costly failures, and the lessons from the bigger providers and MMC pioneers are not being shared openly with other Social Housing Providers in the region.


What about that housing association project that started off as a MMC development of two bungalows on a small infill site, then got reconfigured as three houses and ended up as four flats, with 18 months spent going through planning three times and over £500K of abortive design fees?


What about the housing association that identified a wonderful city centre site for a MMC pilot, acquired the land and planning permission for a great design based on volumetric construction, only to find out too late that a couple of low railway bridges on the main route into town meant that no lorry load of beautifully shrink-wrapped pods was ever going to make it within a mile of the site?


I really do think it’s time that organisations like my own spilled the beans on what we know now, about what works and what doesn’t. So this is what I’d like to do here today.


CPC is a partnership between public sector procurement experts LHC and Northern Housing Consortium. LHC has a long heritage in MMC – it was formed over 50 years ago to coordinate industrialised building programmes across London.


Tracy Harrison, Chief Executive of NHC said “NHC has a similar commitment to MMC as we have consistently promoted modular construction matters in the north in order to ensure that our communities get levelled-up and that the region fully embraces all the technological and climate-led opportunities MMC has to offer. This is because now is the time to be ambitious and only we can help change housing for the better.”


We have more than 5,300 MMC-built social homes under our belt. Right now, we are working with 46 Social Housing Providers on projects with 12 MMC-specialist companies.


So we do have tales to tell and lessons to share, if you’re willing to hear them.


Here are my top five for starters:


  1. First, make sure you pick a MMC manufacturer who knows what they’re talking about. Unfortunately, the high-profile manufacturers the Board is always reading about are not always the best. You’re looking for a business that has got a solid track record and has been through proper technical checks and financial due diligence (ideally, someone who’s made it through the rigorous vetting process to get onto a LHC framework).


  1. Then tear up the old, single stage tender process for design and build. You are going to need a two-stage tender process, with an initial pre-contract service agreement with a MMC supplier who can help you with a proper site investigation, designs and budgeting, and with whom you can go through planning together. Through a better approach to sharing and minimising risk, you’ll reap significant benefits later on.


  1. Understand that you are going to need to work in a completely different way to before – it’s a re-education process for you as a client, as MMC requires a change in the way homes are designed, procured and delivered. This means getting your MMC supply chain involved at the very earliest stages, well before design and planning, even before Stage 1 of the RIBA Plan of Work. Stay open to the MMC manufacturer’s ideas on design. I heard a great example the other day, of a closed panel system manufacturer who saved one of our social landlord clients £200K a year, just simply by agreeing optimum floor to ceiling heights for walls, standardising designs in a way that hugely reduced plasterboard waste.


  1. Don’t pick that most difficult design / the most difficult site / the project that nobody else wants to do, and think that a MMC pilot on that site is going to solve everything for you. The truth is, you need clear advice tailored to you, built on trust and informed by third-party technical expertise from your suppliers and coordination by your procurement advisers. Start with small steps, and make sure each project manager passes on their knowledge to the next.


  1. Of course, carbon reduction and thermal performance targets are vital. But redefine your parameters for ‘sustainability’ to look beyond the environmental impacts, towards the economic and social sustainability that you can also build into a new, long-term relationship with a MMC supply chain which can grow with you and support you through the decades to come. Framework agreements allow these relationships to flourish over a longer-term period and help set out an integrated supply chain, without bumping up against any legal problems for your procurement team. And if you can’t find such a supply chain locally, then work with us to design a new framework that flushes out the best in the market for you to choose from.


MMC is still seen by many in this region as an expensive luxury, particularly regarding a high initial project cost. Some feel that because of this, MMC is an unviable option for the public sector.


However, in reality, we know it’s working well for our social housing clients and we are able to share their learning very openly. MMC homes have lower overall lifecycle costs; project delivery is much faster so you’ll see the sales or rent revenue much earlier. The message still needs to get through to social landlords that MMC homes also benefit from reduced maintenance costs thanks to the build quality. And as more MMC homes are procured, the additional volume of work results in an economy of scale; costs are likely to come down further as the market continues to mature.


My rallying call to social landlords in the North is to tap into the expertise and experience that CPC and NHC can provide you for free. It’s right here on your doorstep. And we will tell it as it is, so that you can dodge the risks, keep the Board happy and progress your development plans with confidence.


Web pages to be developed (Core Information)


NHC Construction Steering Group


MMC working group


LHC MMC website


Click here to read the procurement guide for NH2 (CPC’s framework for offsite construction of new homes).



Spotlight on complaints about heating, hot water and energy in social housing report

Earlier this month the Housing Ombudsman Service published a report focusing on complaints about heating and hot water, identifying unnecessary delays in resolving issues together with landlords’ management of contractors as particular issues of concern. The report highlights the serious impact these complaints can have on residents, especially when dealing with vulnerable households.

The report, Spotlight on complaints about heating, hot water and energy in social housing, is based on more than 200 cases investigated over an 18-month period from April 2019. It includes complaints about heat networks, gas servicing and energy efficiency to support decarbonisation. The highest number of complaints investigated concerned general heating and hot water issues, but there was a disproportionately high number of maladministration findings in the cases which involved heat networks – or district heating – and complaint handling.

The report makes several recommendations for improved practice including:

  • putting things ‘right first time’, particularly where contractors are involved through effective management of contracts
  • providing clear information for residents at the start of the tenancy or lease on properties with heat networks, and again if the arrangements change
  • planning gas safety inspections well ahead of the due date to allow for appointments to be made at a convenient time for residents and avoid missing renewal dates.

Overall, the report has 40 recommendations of best practice and we hope landlords will use the learning to help improve their services and complaint handling.

Read the full report.

New Private Sector Housing module goes live

New Forest District Council is going live this week with a new Private Sector Housing System module from Locata.

The system incorporates a caseload dashboard, a private sector properties database as well as full Journal capabilities for surveyed properties linked to homeless cases and housing register applications.

The new module will also boast a fully functional people database, with workflow and reporting functionality.

As you would expect with a Locata system there are some impressive features, such as the Management Dashboard based on the HPA2 framework.


Other features include:

  • Programmable Tasks and Questions
  • Multiple Works per Property
  • Full Journal Access – Properties, People Owners and Contractors
  • Property Database & Details
  • Case Management System
  • Contractor Details and Multiple Schedules of Works
  • Owner Details
  • Rates for Works
  • Full Reporting

The following statutory elements are also incorporated into the system:

  • A Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) management system
  • A Housing Health & Safety Rating System (HHSRS) including enforcement
  • Houses of Multiple Occupation system (HMO) including inspections and licensing
  • Schedules of Rates (SOR) to enable the tracking of multiple payments, works and outcomes

If you would like to know more about Locata’s wide range of cloud-based housing options and homelessness products and services, please email us on info@locata.org.uk

Guest Blog – Contractors called up for new £1.5bn housing framework

LHC is currently in the pre-planning stage of their New Build Housing Construction (H2) framework that will be procured on behalf of SPA, CPC and LHC.

It will deliver a range of traditional housing as well as low, medium and high-rise construction, sheltered, student and keyworker accommodation, care homes, and mixed use sites, development agreements and land purchases. Associated civil engineering and infrastructure works required for new build housing and net zero buildings will also be covered under the framework.

Planned housing lots

  • New build housing – low rise up to 11m to top floor height
  • High rise developments with floor heights above 11m
  • Construction of care homes
  • Refurbishment, Conversions, Extensions and Adaptions
  • Groundworks and preparation for new build sites
  • Major infrastructure for new build housing sites

Gary Crawley, Director of CPC, said:

“The New Build Housing Construction (H2) framework for the North of England is to provide the right solution for a growing demand for collaborative procurement to meet the ongoing housing challenges and support levelling up standards across the UK, Both the procurement process and delivery of building projects will contribute positively to social value, shaping places and enhancing the quality of life for our local communities.”

CPC will be hosting a pre-tender engagement webinar to discuss the H2 framework in detail. CPC are giving you the chance to help shape the framework to how you want it.

Register here >

To register interest in the H2 framework and receive further updates, visit eTendering portal Proactis.


Decent Homes Standard – we want your views

The Social Housing White Paper announced a review of the Decent Homes Standard.  The Northern Housing Consortium is pleased to have been invited by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government to be a core participant in the Review sounding board.

The first phase of the review is considering the case for criteria within the Decent Homes Standard, and what might be included in a new standard. The second phase will consider refining decency in more detail.

In order that we can be sure we’re representing our members’ views effectively within the Review, we’d be grateful if you members could complete a short survey. Not all the questions are mandatory.  Please complete the survey by Thursday 4th February.

Take the survey and sign up to keep in touch on the review.

Commenting, NHC Executive Director (Policy and Public Affairs) Brian Robson said

“We’re delighted to be asked by MHCLG to join the Review sounding board. The NHC has built an strong evidence base on housing quality in the North over recent years, and we’re working hard to do the same on net zero. This is a great opportunity to make sure the new standard works for the North – but to do that, we want to hear from our members. Please complete the survey and let us know your views.”

The NHC survey asks for member views on the current standard, and areas Government have highlighted for focus in the new standard. Members can also sign-up to keep in touch with the NHC’s work on the review.

Please complete the survey by Thursday 4th February.

Housing Minister Opens Dialogue with All-Party Parliamentary Group for Housing in the North

On Tuesday the Housing Minister, Chris Pincher MP, attended the latest meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Housing in the North to learn about the work of the Group, give an update on Government priorities, and underline his support for APPG’s as cross-party, Parliament-wide forums of important debate.

To summarise the recent and future work of the APPG, Chair Ian Mearns MP had arranged for Group Secretariat the Northern Housing Consortium (NHC) to begin the meeting with a scene setting presentation.

NHC Chief Executive Tracy Harrison began by introducing the APPG’s recent publication No Home Left Behind: An Inquiry into Property Standards in the North’s Private Rented Sector.  Tracy explained that the sizeable evidence submitted by NHC members had highlighted a series of challenges, and potential solutions, to ensure the PRS was a positive choice and experience for all tenants.

Alongside the Minister, attendees heard how the PRS regulatory framework had become a comprehensive but complicated mixture of statute and case law that hinders enforcement and allows poor conditions to flourish, that the ability to identify landlords and poorly conditioned properties was essential to professionalising the sector, that Local Authorities were being held back in their ability to effectively use enforcement tools by severe budget constraints, and a long-term commitment to regeneration was required to allow place-based partnerships to improve hard-to-address, poor-quality accommodation.

It was then explained that the proposed focus of the APPG in 2021 would be to identify and argue for a strong role for housing in the Government’s ambition to ‘level up’ the regions and the mandated goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Tracy outlined some of the ways housing policy could be adapted to work better for the North: improving capacity in councils, advancing a level playing field on accessing housing infrastructure funds, with it being noted that whilst the Government had committed to reviewing the so-called 80/20 formula, details were yet to emerge; and a refreshed vision for Homes England, incorporating ‘levelling up’ and Net Zero as stated strategic objectives.

Tracy finished by highlighting new research, supported by the NHC, from IPPR North outlining the economic and environmental stimulus brought about by investing the North’s older, colder homes. Sarah Longlands, IPPR North’s Director, was also at the meeting to give a full briefing to the APPG but Tracy used time with the Minister to highlight two aspects of the research. That a roadmap to decarbonise existing homes should begin with social housing, using the sectors historic capacity to deliver large-scale improvement works as a catalyst to further cross-tenure decarbonisation. And secondly, that investment in housing should come alongside a localised focus on skills development to fully realise the potential 77,000 jobs in home retrofit identified by the report.

The Housing Minister Chris Pincher MP used his time to highlight a number of Government announcements made in recent months. Firstly, concerning the Planning White Paper, the Minister noted the scale of feedback received particularly around the future of Section106. On the proposal for a new infrastructure levy, the Minister indicated that this may well be locally set to acknowledge different geographies and housing markets. However, the Planning White Paper was the beginning of the conversation, not the end, so it was certainly too early to make any firm commitment.

The Minister reiterated the Affordable Homes Programme (AHP) as a key area of focus, with the next iteration running to 2026. He stated that this next AHP will be geared more to affordable and socially rented homes, with 32,000 new social homes set to be built, more than double the figure built during the current AHP programme.

The PRS was acknowledged as another area of focus, with the Minister stating he is keen to approach renters reform from a stable economic terrain and is committed to abolishing Section 21 ‘no fault evictions’. The Minister noted that the Government wants to make the private renting system far less complicated for all who navigate it, particularly renters themselves.

Discussing ‘levelling up’, he reiterated the Government’s commitment, though acknowledged that the last 10 months had distracted from this. The recent announcement of the £4bn Levelling Up Fund was more indicative of their desire.

The Minister finished by underlining that regeneration was an area of focus he was seeking to build into planning reforms and he would welcome ideas and feedback on this subject. Before the pandemic we had began to see the ‘Amazon effect’ transform retail. There was a need now to ‘build back’ in our town and city centres and planning reform should facilitate effective masterplans. It may be that ‘regeneration zones’ are identified alongside the Planning White Paper’s proposals of growth, renewal, and protected zones – this was all part of the conversation the Minister was keen to have.

The Minister stayed on for a QnA session with Parliamentarians. Discussion centred on Permitted Development Rights and space standards, the future of Neighbourhood Planning and citizen engagement within the planning process, accessible housing, and embedding housing and improving existing homes into ‘levelling up’ and Net Zero. The Minister thanked the APPG and noted he would be happy to return to the Group in the future.

Leading housing chief to retire after seventeen successful years

Incommunities Group Chief Executive, Geraldine Howley is getting ready to step down at the end of the month after nearly two decades leading the West Yorkshire housing association.

It follows Geraldine’s decision to retire and her leaving comes as the Group gets ready to mark 18 successful years in business.

Her long career started as a temporary housing receptionist with Bradford Council, based at Jacob’s Well in the late 1970s, before Geraldine become a housing officer covering the Manchester Road blocks.

From looking after a patch of 1,600 properties, Geraldine progressed with the Council gaining expertise in different areas before becoming the local authority’s Director of Housing.

Fast forward to 2003 and Geraldine led the new BCHT Group set up with the stock transfer – voted for by Council tenants – of over 26,000 homes.

Gradually, an unwieldy structure involving six area subsidiaries was streamlined by Geraldine and her team and the group was rebranded to create Incommunities in 2008.

She became Chair of the Northern Housing Consortium in 2005 leading until 2008, overseeing some key changes in the membership organisation that represents and supports social housing providers in the North.

Her leadership has been marked by building a ‘can do’ culture which has focused the minds of everyone on improving people’s lives and their neighbourhoods.

Since the successful achievement of Decent Homes Standard in 2010, she has overseen the delivery of multi million pound improvements to local homes which has transformed the neighbourhoods in which Incommunities operates.

In 2013 she led the review of the company’s office accommodation around the district and the acquisition of its headquarters at The Quays, Shipley.

Geraldine has overseen the growth of Incommunities through mergers, stock acquisitions and successful restructures. In 2015, Huddersfield-based BME housing association, Sadeh Lok joined the Group.

In 2019, she played a vitally important role in the refinancing of Incommunities with a successful £250 million bond issue and securing a Standard and Poors A+ credit rating.

Geraldine has also overseen the delivery of over 1100 new affordable homes across Bradford, the Aire Valley, Wharfedale and beyond. The group now has homes in West, South and North Yorkshire.

In 2020 she led Incommunities’ response to the Covid lockdown and has also played a key partnership role in the district’s handling of the pandemic.

Incommunities Chair, Jan Ormondroyd praised Geraldine’s leadership: “Geraldine has successfully built Incommunities into a strong, forward looking organisation and leaves us with a strong platform to achieve our strategic growth ambitions to 2040.

“Everyone from the board, management and staff would like to wish her well as she moves onto exciting new challenges in her life.”

Tracy Harrison, Chief Executive of the Northern Housing Consortium added: “Geraldine has had a career in housing than many would aspire to.

“She has led with integrity, intent and insight and has had a positive impact on many people’s lives through her work.  She’s always been a staunch supporter of the Northern Housing Consortium, and whilst we’ll miss her being in her ‘day job’, I’m delighted that we’ll continue to work with her through her involvement in the GEMS programme that NHC support.

“We wish her a happy and healthy retirement.”

Geraldine Howley said “Looking back, it’s sometimes been a steep learning curve from my first steps as a housing officer to managing one of the biggest stock transfer at the time.

“As our 18th birthday approaches I feel very proud to have played my part in the growth of Incommunities and been supported by such a great executive team, board and skilled and dedicated colleagues. It’s been an amazing journey.

“I’ve loved my time at Incommunities and delivering our vision of improving people’s lives has always been my guiding principle as its CEO.

“I am leaving the organisation in great shape and wish my successor Rachael Dennis and everyone the very best for the future.

“Now I am really excited about the next stage in my career.”

Geraldine is widely respected in the housing sector and a personal highlight was being elected President of the Chartered Institute of Housing in 2015-16, having served Vice-President in the previous year.

She is looking forward to continuing as Chair of the Chartered Institute of Housing Governing Board.

In 2016, Geraldine was made an honorary doctorate by the University of Bradford for her outstanding contribution to housing and a year later was awarded an OBE for her services to housing, young people and the local community.

She is passionate about encouraging more young people to build rewarding careers in housing and will continue her close involvement with the GEM Programme which she co-founded in 2009. Geraldine has chaired the programme for a number of years and is being appointed a Director. She is excited to see the programme develop further and bring her leadership skills and extensive knowledge.

Geraldine has also signed up to take a Level 7 Institute of Leadership & Management qualification and develop her coaching and mentoring skills.

There is little chance of Geraldine taking a ‘step back’ as she looks forward to joining national social housing borrowing vehicle, MORhomes in April as a non-executive director.


New chair for Northern Housing Consortium

Social Housing membership organisation the Northern Housing Consortium have welcomed Paul Fiddaman as the new Chair of their member-led board.

Paul is currently the Chief Executive Officer with Karbon Homes, having previously held Chief Executive roles with Isos Housing and Cestria Community Housing, and brings over two decades experience of the housing sector.

He replaces Tom Miskell, who stepped down as Chair at Northern Housing Consortium’s last AGM in December. Paul has been a member of the NHC board since 2017. The NHC is a membership body representing the views of over 96% of housing providers across the North of England. The NHC uses the insightful views and experiences of members to influence policy, striving to remain a strong Northern voice on behalf of their membership.

Speaking about his appointment, Paul Fiddaman said:

“I’m delighted to be taking over as Chair at the NHC at a very exciting time for both the organisation and sector.”

“This last year has shown the commitment, ambition and professionalism of the NHC team, especially when it comes to supporting members and being the voice of the North’s social housing sector. I am really excited about how we can continue to connect members and policy makers together to make the North an even better place to live for everyone.”

Tracy Harrison, NHC Chief Executive adds:

“Paul has become Chair at a time when we are really driving positive change forward in our organisation and we welcome him to his new role.

“The events of 2020 forced a lot of change upon our work and we have adapted well to meet the needs of our stakeholders. In 2021 we plan to build upon this, delivering even greater value for our members and taking an even bigger role in making housing policy work for the North.”

“On behalf of our other board members, our staff and all of our members I would like to thank Tom Miskell for his support as Chair. His influence on the organisation has put us in a great position for the years ahead.”

The announcement of Paul taking over as chair coincides with the launch of a new look for the NHC, created to articulate the strong, modern and professional nature of the organisation.

The visual look has been developed for ‘digital first’ communication, partially in response to the changes to the world of work over the last 12 months with more reports and documents being view on screen, and events online, than ever before.


About the Northern Housing Consortium (NHC)

The NHC is a membership body representing the views of over 96% of housing providers across the North of England. Our events and procurement services extend beyond the North, to approximately 150 affiliate members. We use the insightful views and experiences of our members to influence policy and we strive to remain a strong Northern voice on behalf of our membership.