New chair for Northern Housing Consortium

Social Housing membership organisation the Northern Housing Consortium have welcomed Paul Fiddaman as the new Chair of their member-led board.

Paul is currently the Chief Executive Officer with Karbon Homes, having previously held Chief Executive roles with Isos Housing and Cestria Community Housing, and brings over two decades experience of the housing sector.

He replaces Tom Miskell, who stepped down as Chair at Northern Housing Consortium’s last AGM in December. Paul has been a member of the NHC board since 2017. The NHC is a membership body representing the views of over 96% of housing providers across the North of England. The NHC uses the insightful views and experiences of members to influence policy, striving to remain a strong Northern voice on behalf of their membership.

Speaking about his appointment, Paul Fiddaman said:

“I’m delighted to be taking over as Chair at the NHC at a very exciting time for both the organisation and sector.”

“This last year has shown the commitment, ambition and professionalism of the NHC team, especially when it comes to supporting members and being the voice of the North’s social housing sector. I am really excited about how we can continue to connect members and policy makers together to make the North an even better place to live for everyone.”

Tracy Harrison, NHC Chief Executive adds:

“Paul has become Chair at a time when we are really driving positive change forward in our organisation and we welcome him to his new role.

“The events of 2020 forced a lot of change upon our work and we have adapted well to meet the needs of our stakeholders. In 2021 we plan to build upon this, delivering even greater value for our members and taking an even bigger role in making housing policy work for the North.”

“On behalf of our other board members, our staff and all of our members I would like to thank Tom Miskell for his support as Chair. His influence on the organisation has put us in a great position for the years ahead.”

The announcement of Paul taking over as chair coincides with the launch of a new look for the NHC, created to articulate the strong, modern and professional nature of the organisation.

The visual look has been developed for ‘digital first’ communication, partially in response to the changes to the world of work over the last 12 months with more reports and documents being view on screen, and events online, than ever before.


About the Northern Housing Consortium (NHC)

The NHC is a membership body representing the views of over 96% of housing providers across the North of England. Our events and procurement services extend beyond the North, to approximately 150 affiliate members. We use the insightful views and experiences of our members to influence policy and we strive to remain a strong Northern voice on behalf of our membership.