Entries by dellwood

Supporting victim survivors of gambling-related domestic abuse – a focus on women in social housing

Social enterprise, Addressing Domestic Abuse (ADA), are seeking information from housing providers in England on any approaches they currently use in relation to gambling harms and domestic abuse and would be grateful if you could take a minute or two to complete an anonymous survey which will greatly assist their research.           As well as […]

Delivering affordable Passivhaus homes in the heart of Salford

Member Engagement Manager James Bryson reports from our recent member visit to Muse and Salix Homes’ Passivhaus development in Salford. The Northern Housing Consortium had the pleasure of bringing members together to visit Muse and Salix Homes’ brand-new development, Greenhaus, in the heart of Salford.  If you’re familiar with Salford,  you’ll know that a brand-new […]

DLUHC Publishes further guidance on ‘Pride in Place’

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) has recently updated its definition of pride in place, and we’re delighted to see this reflect the outcomes of our recent research. This followed a briefing we held for DLUHC colleagues to share findings from our Pride in Place: Views from Northern Communities report.  When the […]

Northern Housing Consortium and Belong Network Announce Reciprocal Membership

NHC and the Belong Network to collaborate around the sector’s role supporting resilient communities. The Northern Housing Consortium is delighted to announce reciprocal membership with Belong – the Cohesion and Integration Network. As part of the arrangement, the NHC will bring members and Belong together to advance the role the sector plays in supporting community […]

Look out for the Chancellor’s Spring Budget next Wednesday

Next Wednesday, Jeremy Hunt will deliver the 2024 Spring Budget following numerous calls for tax cuts from within his own party. There have been relatively few rumored policy announcements in the housing space, short of the government potentially providing greater support for prospective homeowners with mortgages. The Northern Housing Consortium submitted its representation to HM […]

New executive director joins the NHC at crucial time for housing in the North

We’re pleased to welcome new Executive Director of Policy and Public Affairs, Patrick Murray. Patrick joins the NHC from Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities where he most recently worked on the Public Bodies Review of Homes England. He previously worked on key housing policy areas in the Department including the Affordable Homes Programme. […]

Over thirty years of friendship at the NHC for Lynda

When Executive Assistant Lynda Redshaw joined the Northern Consortium Do the Bartman from the Simpsons was topping the charts and John Major had been Prime Minister for a matter of months. She joined as a part time secretary thirty-three years ago and was one of only three people who worked for the organisation. Lynda has […]

Lord Callanan meets NHC members ahead of SHDF Wave 3

The Northern Housing Consortium (NHC) held a member’s roundtable with Lord Callanan, Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance, to discuss the proposals for the latest wave of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF). This was part of the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero’s continued engagement with the sector about SHDF funding. The […]