Entries by dellwood

Stepping into Housing Leadership

With the NHC set to launch a training programme for new and aspiring housing leaders, Glynis Osbourne discusses the importance of investing in first-time managers. Here are our top 10 reasons to invest in first level management The Northern Housing Consortium and Thinking Success UK will soon be launching their Stepping into Housing Leadership Programme. […]

End of ‘no-fault’ evictions in the Private Rented Sector

In what is described as ‘a generational change’ to the lettings sector, Section 21 evictions, known as no fault evictions, will be abolished under plans to be put out to consultation. The announcement came with no warning and despite considerable pressure from landlord organisations following last year’s consultation on longer tenancies who said that the […]

Spring Statement 2019 – a look behind the headlines

  The Spring Statement on 13 March, delivered amidst a flurry of Brexit votes, was accompanied by several noteworthy housing and planning messages intended to support the government’s continued ambition to raise housing supply to reach 300,000 a year on average. A three-year Spending Review will be launched before the summer recess and will be […]

TV Licensing – Community Relations Team

The TV Licensing Community Relations team was set up to better interact with organisations that play a big part in their local communities. We are committed to making our information accessible to everyone in the community, and we work with a range of organisations such as housing, caring, money advice and multilingual groups to achieve […]

Could tackling the empty homes epidemic help solve the housing crisis?

Lee Sugden, Chief Executive, Salix Homes and NHC Board member At the last count, there were over 600,000 empty homes in England – that equates to two years’ worth of the Government’s targets for new home completions. Of those, more than 200,000 are classed as long-term empty, in that they’ve stood empty for more than […]

Government safety guidance on tall buildings

Advice was published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG)  on 18 December last year on ‘external wall systems that do not incorporate Aluminium Composite Material’ – in other words, buildings where the type of cladding used on the Grenfell Tower is not present. Despite this, MHCLG has advised that there are […]

Thirteen Launching County Durham Employment Routeways for Young People

Thirteen’s employability service has launched a new scheme to support young people aged 16-24 from County Durham into work (funded by DurhamWorks as part of the Youth Employment Initiative). Over recent years Thirteen has extended its employability portfolio, delivering services for both tenants and the wider public.  Our support progressing individuals into work has provided […]

Focus on…. Housing Health and Safety Rating System

Landlords have a legal requirement to ensure that a property is safe before letting it to a new tenant and local authorities have a statutory duty to keep the housing conditions in their area under review. It is now almost thirteen years since the introduction of the Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS). Introduced […]

Independent Affordable Housing Commission

The new independent Affordable Housing Commission (AHC) is chaired by Lord Best and includes housing experts and parliamentarian commissioners.   The Smith Institute will act as secretariat to the commission and the NHC will be supporting the commission by holding an event on 1 March 2019 (this event focuses on the North East and Yorkshire and […]