Entries by dellwood

Spring Budget 2024

On March 6th, Jeremy Hunt gave his final Spring Budget prior to the next general election. The headline grabbing announcement within the Budget was a 2p cut to National Insurance, but there were still several relevant policy announcements for NHC members. Members will have received a full on-the-day briefing in their inboxes, breaking down all […]

APPG for Housing in the North convenes for first session of 2024

In March, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Housing in the North convened to host the Parliamentary launch of the latest edition of the Northern Housing Monitor, the Northern Housing Consortiums annual publication of the most-pressing housing issues facing northern regions and the data which underpins them. The meeting was attended by a range […]

The foundations for a career in housing

As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations we’re speaking to staff past and present to find out what they think about working at the NHC. This month we spoke to Anna Seddon, who worked in our Policy & Public Affairs team until 2022. She is now Senior Public Affairs Officer at Citizens Advice.   When […]

Serving the community since the 70s

Ian Vickers, neighbourhood team leader at Believe Housing, has worked in housing since 1978. He joined Easington District Council as a painter and decorator, before becoming a neighbourhood officer a few years later. He came to speak to NHC colleagues at our staff quarterly meeting as part of 50 Stories Live. Tell us about when […]

Green Jobs, Sustainable Futures

We know that recruitment and skill development is one of the biggest challenges our members face in delivering on net zero. There are not enough people with the skills needed to do the vital decarbonisation work necessary, like installing heat pumps, retrofit assessment and build energy efficient housing. Whilst the skills gap exists costs will […]

Driving Digital Transformation in Housing: A New Era for Tenant Engagement

In the fast-evolving landscape of housing in the UK, digital transformation is not just a buzzword but a strategic necessity. Housing associations, traditionally seen as conservative entities in adopting digital technologies, are now at the forefront of this revolution, providing more accessible, efficient, and customer-centric services. A prime example of this shift is the pioneering […]

NHC consultations – Get involved

Awaab’s Law: Consultation on timescales for repairs in the social rented sector – having consulted with members, we are currently completing our response ahead of the date for submission of 5 March. If your organisation is planning your own submission, we would be happy to receive any draft or final copy. Please send to Karen.brown@northern-consortium.org.uk […]

Competition and Markets authority voices significant concerns with housebuilding market

The Competition and Markets Authority has shared its “fundamental concerns” with British housebuilding in a new report. The report, culminating a year-long study of the nation’s housebuilding market, outlines how both the unpredictability and complexity of the planning system, and a reliance on speculative private development, are significantly contributing to the under-delivery of new homes. […]