Entries by dellwood

PRS to face ambitious energy targets?

A new Government consultation has set out an ambitious proposed trajectory for energy efficiency in the private rented sector. The new consultation, from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), makes range of proposals, including that homes let in the private rented sector from 2025 should have to meet an energy efficiency rating […]

Connecting our members – Kate Maughan, Director of Member Engagement, NHC

As the NHC’s Director of Member Engagement, I’ve been reflecting on the extraordinary year we’ve had so far. So much has changed since March and the sector has responded swiftly and with impact. Here at the NHC, we’ve made big changes too. We rapidly moved from traditional, face to face events into a full digital […]

Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator

On 8 July 2020, the Chancellor’s Summer Economic Update announced the UK-wide Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Demonstrator (SHDF Demonstrator) to support the decarbonisation of social housing over 2020/21, and to boost green jobs as part of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan. This £50 million programme will support social landlords to demonstrate innovative approaches to retrofitting social […]

‘No place left behind’ Commission – call for evidence

 The Create Streets Foundation has launched ‘No place left behind’, a Commission into prosperity and community placemaking. This is chaired by Toby Lloyd, the former Head of Policy at Shelter and Housing Advisor to the Prime Minister. Over the next year the Commission intends to come up with new ideas to help “level-up” England as part […]

Locata’s website redesign includes new video page  

Locata has redesigned its company website and introduced a new page for videos demonstrating its housing software. The new page currently has four HPA2 videos that show how the dashboard and help sites work. Each video is just three or four minutes long so that Locata users can easily get the information they require simply […]

NHC supporter Locata launches two new enhancements

Locata has launched two new enhancements designed to make the management of housing applicants even more efficient and effective. Both enhancements were flagged up and discussed at the Virtual National Users Group in July and are now available to order. Document Uploads The document upload enhancement is already being used by several schemes across the […]

NHC upcoming events

September proves to be a busy month for the Northern Housing Consortium’s engagement activity, with a string of free webinars to support our members across a range of issues. Gathered here in one place for you to look over, please do sign up or pass on to colleagues you think may be interested. #OurNorth Net […]