Entries by dellwood

All Party Parliamentary Group for Housing in the North Returns for 2022

The APPG for Housing in the North, the forum for Parliamentarians to discuss and advance housing and related policy issues, met this month to launch a new work programme for 2022/3. 2021 had proved to be a productive year for the group with a string of Ministerial engagements. The APPG was joined in both January […]

Housing and Sector Stakeholders Set to Advance Good Green Jobs

Good Green Jobs – Tenants, Housing, and Skills, the latest collaboration between the NHC and Communities that Work, takes place next week to advance the conversation on how housing providers and other key sectors can work together to scale up the green economy in local areas. To achieve Net Zero by 2050, many parts of […]

Social Housing Tenants’ Climate Jury Heads to London for the Inside Housing Retrofit Challenge Summit

Visitors to March’s Inside Housing Retrofit Challenge Summit didn’t have to wait very long to see the impact of the Social Housing Tenant’s Climate Jury. Indeed, Inside Housing Editor Martin Hilditch used his welcome programme notes to describe the Jury as “absolutely recommended reading” and pledged the publications support to “pick up on some of […]

Supporter Blog – Big officer audience for homelessness update

Homelessness and housing officers from across the country tuned in to Locata’s National Users Group (NUG) meeting last month. More than 350 officers registered for the webinar to hear Andy Gale, one of the country’s top housing experts, set out the challenges facing homelessness teams in 2022. He highlighted and discussed four key issues: The […]

BEIS announces successful bids to Wave 1 of the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund

In their 2019 manifesto, the Government committed to delivering a £3.8bn Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) over a ten-year period to upgrade the energy performance of social rented homes below EPC C. The aims of the Fund are to “deliver warm, energy-efficient homes, reduce carbon emissions and fuel bills, tackle fuel poverty, and support green […]

Levelling Up Conference: Housing at the Heart of a Rebalanced Country

The February 2022 Levelling Up White Paper has made a start on rebalancing geographic inequalities, however there is much more to be done. Whether it’s ‘Levelling Up’, regeneration, or rebalancing. Whatever we or the Government call it, registered housing providers have a central role to play in working collaboratively across areas and sectors to develop sustainable local […]

Mission accepted: the Levelling Up White Paper and housing in the North

It’s five years since the 2017 Housing White Paper, Fixing our Broken Housing Market, which set out a package of reforms firmly focused on increasing the supply of new homes. Five years on, the Levelling Up White Paper, with its declaration that ‘Nowhere is the need for making opportunity more equal more urgent than in […]

NHC appears before Commons Committee

The Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee is continuing its inquiry examining the quality and regulation of social housing in England.  Written evidence has been published, including the written evidence submitted by the NHC. The LUHC’s inquiry is examining concerns about the quality of social housing, with a focus on the ability of the Regulator […]

Melting the money iceberg with Society matters cic

As the cost of living crisis continues to bite, what options does the social housing sector have at its disposal to hold back the tide in the form of practical and effective help? What support can they offer tenants facing the apparent inevitability of debt, and how can they bolster their own defences against an […]