Hear from 2 of our successful bursary winners

John Martin

John Martin, a Livin tenant, has passed his HGV road test after receiving a £500 bursary. 

He had been a long-term carer for his partner for over 10 years but felt that it was the right time to find a career for himself now his children have grown up. Being a HGV driver has always been a dream for John and he’d like to become a tanker driver one day. John applied for the £500 bursary to sit his road driving test, having already passed the other modules. 

John is delighted to have passed his road driving test and to have his HGV licence. The last we heard is that Livin are supporting John to find work with local HGV employers.

Peter Summers 

Gateshead tenant, Peter Summers applied for a £500 bursary to go towards a Security Industry Authority (SIA) license which should help him secure full-time work. 

When Peter was chosen to receive the £500 bursary, he said: 

“I would like to start off by saying thank you so much for accepting my application. Being successful has had a huge impact on my mental health already. I know that once the payment comes through for the training, things will start improving for me in terms of financial stability, more work, better mental health, and I can eventually start reducing my rent arrears.

“The licence should mean I can go full time.  I won’t have to rely on universal credits and have the uncertainty of shifts which I have without my SIA license. I would have never of been able to save up for this training myself and pay for other costs such as travel expenses.” 

For more information and to apply visit: https://bursary.northern-consortium.org.uk