House of Commons celebration for Northern Housing Consortium at 50

As part of our 50th anniversary celebrations, we held a Parliamentary Reception at the House of Commons.

Lord Best OBE DL hosted this special event and was joined by housing leaders, senior civil servants, parliamentarians, residents and community representatives. The reception reflected on the achievements of the past, current challenges, and explored how together we can create great homes and communities in the future.

Alongside Lord Best OBE DL speakers were NHC Chief Executive Tracy Harrison; MP for Blaydon and Consett Liz Twist; Yorkshire Housing resident and Social Housing Tenants’ Climate Jury juror Terry Tasker; NHC Board member Jane Everton; and Onward Homes CEO & NHC Board member Bronwen Rapley.

Liz Twist MP spoke about the work of the NHC and the all-party party parliamentary group to support housing in the North, and the importance of finding specific solutions for every community.

Key themes discussed included the role the NHC plays in bringing the sector together, and the importance of engaging with residents and putting them at the heart of decisions.


Tracy Harrison, Chief Executive, Northern Housing Consortium, said:

“It was fantastic to get together with senior civil servants, NHC board members and parliamentarians at the House of Commons to reflect on what the NHC has achieved over the past 50 years and to discuss the impact of the new Government’s focus on affordable and sustainable housing. Being here right at the start of this new parliament made the day particularly special.”

“It was also encouraging to hear our offer to the new Government ‘Building the Future of Housing in the North’

referenced consistently throughout the day, alongside plans to maximise opportunities for the North.  It was very clear from the speakers that the sector is ready to kickstart change for the future and do things with a long-term outlook. We are excited to start delivering our plans.”

Northern Housing Consortium 2024 Election of Directors

The Northern Housing Consortium represents the views of housing organisations in the North of England, with our membership of local and combined authorities, ALMOs and housing associations representing over 9 out of every 10 social homes in the North.  Our vision is our collaborative Northern voice helps members create and regenerate sustainable homes and build resilient, thriving communities.

The overall management and strategic direction of the Northern Housing Consortium is entrusted to the Board of Directors who are subject to election each year from Full Member organisations.  Membership of the Board is balanced between the three Northern regions and consideration is made of sectoral representation across different organisation types as well as the need for balance across the range of equality categories – age, disability, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation. We would strongly encourage applications from all backgrounds to support our inclusion and diversity objectives.

Under the Consortium’s governance arrangements, all nominations for the position of Director will be reviewed by the Board (or their nominated representatives), against a Skills Set for Directors to ensure that they meet the Board’s requirement to fill any vacancies – the Skills Set and Board Director Role Profile are enclosed in the Board Director Nomination Pack.

In accordance with a procedure agreed by the Board, we are seeking nominations for up to four new Directors’ places to be filled for the three-year period 2024-2027.  The Directors who are also retiring this year but who wish to stand for re-election are as follows:

  1. Leann Hearne, Chief Executive, Livv Housing Group
  2. Charlotte Norman, Chief Executive, Mosscare St Vincents Housing Group
  3. Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive, Rotherham MBC (previously co-opted to fill a casual vacancy on 23rd November 2023).

NB The Board have confirmed their support for the re-election of the above candidate.

Should the number of successful nominations exceed the vacancies available, a ballot will be arranged and the results announced for formal approval by the Full Members at the Consortium’s Annual General Meeting on 21st November 2024

A nomination form is included in the Nomination Pack, and I invite you to consider and make nominations of candidates no later than 14th August 2024.  Please note that you can nominate more than one candidate but in doing so, you should note the conditions for nominating candidates included in the Nomination Pack.

An application form can be obtained from This must be completed by the nominee and returned with the nomination form no later than 14th August 2024.

If you would like to discuss your nomination for the position of Director, please contact:-


Tracy Harrison

Chief Executive

T: 07809659492


NHC reaction to Government’s focus on housing

The NHC has welcomed the new Government’s focus on housing in its first few days of office.

The Prime Minister Keir Starmer recognised the importance of affordable housing in his first speech; and the Chancellor Rachel Reeves has now promised to “get Britain building” with planning reform and new house building targets.

Tracy Harrison, Chief Executive of the Northern Housing Consortium said:

“We welcome the new Government’s focus on housing. The Prime Minister has recognised the importance of affordable housing in his first speech, and this morning, in her first speech, the Chancellor has also set out immediate action to build more homes.

“New housebuilding targets will give certainty and help local authorities to plan more effectively. The focus and reference to more social rent homes is especially welcome.

“Whilst we support more flexibility with greenbelt land, it is good to see the new Government confirm they also want to build more homes on brownfield land. Our research shows there is the potential to build up to 320,000 homes on brownfield land in the North.

“We also welcome the commitment to 300 new planning officers. Local authorities across the North have been hit disproportionately by cuts to planning departments, and capacity support is desperately needed.”

2024 General Election Briefing out now

We’ve witnessed the first change of government for over a decade. The political landscape in the North – and the UK – looks different with 69 new MPs in the North.

The NHC General Election briefing gives a lowdown on who all the Northern MPs are – and flags those with interests relevant to our members.

It also looks at the predicted policies of the next government, and what the next steps will be for the NHC.

Read the briefing here.

Northern Housing Consortium Chief Executive Tracy Harrison said:

“We’re ready and waiting to work in partnership to help the new Government deliver real change across the North. We have set out how we can work with Labour to build up to 320,000 new homes on brownfield land, and to create 77,000 good, green jobs by building on the work our members have already started to make Northern homes more energy efficient.

“We want to work with our members and the new Government to make sure everyone in the North has access to a decent home across the social and private rented sectors. To deliver this, the housing sector and local authorities need long-term certainty around policy and funding.

“If the government wants to make a real difference, there needs to be an understanding of how challenges play out differently across the country, especially with the diversity of markets and communities we have across the North. We’re pleased the Labour party has committed to deepen existing devolution agreements, including giving combined authorities new planning powers along with new freedoms and flexibilities to make better use of grant funding.”

Building the Future of the North sets out how the NHC and our members can work with the next government to transform communities in the North and enable thousands more northerners to live in good quality homes.